Saturday, March 8, 2025

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?
 Answer:  Because they don't believe in them! Therefore they do not hunger for them! 
They are full of unbelief of which a byproduct is apathy. They are satisfied with man, with flesh and they have no desire for God, by His Spirit,  to move among them.  False doctrines abound, all designed to promote unbelief and hinder "the faith of the Son of God". They love to have it so! They're lazy and content with the status quo: believing God is pleased with them when in reality they are man pleasers. Their services lack power because they lack His presence,  because they do not know Him. They think they do but there is never any sign of it - never any fruit, never a display of His power and authority.  They don't really believe the Bible - as the Holy Spirit understands it and teaches it  - only as men understand it and teach it. "TURN YOU AT MY REPROOF: BEHOLD I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT UNTO YOU,  I WILL MAKE KNOWN MY WORDS UNTO YOU". Do not let this be said of you any longer  -  "THEY HATED KNOWLEDGE AND DID NOT CHOOSE THE FEAR OF THE LORD. THEY WOULD NOT RECEIVE MY COUNSEL: THEY DESPISED ALL MY REPROOF". "TODAY, IF YOU WILL HEAR HIS VOICE, HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARTS!" "DO NOT BE AS YOUR FATHERS,  A STUBBORN AND REBELLIOUS GENERATION THAT SET NOT THEIR HEART ARIGHT, AND WHOSE SPIRIT WAS NOT STEADFAST WITH ME - WHEREFORE I AM GRIEVED WITH THAT GENERATION FOR THEY DO ALWAYS ERR IN THEIR HEARTS; AND THEY HAVE NOT KNOWN MY WAYS, FOR MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS, SAITH THE LORD.  FOR AS THE HEAVENS ARE HIGHER THAN THE EARTH, SO ARE MY WAYS HIGHER THAN YOUR WAYS, AND MY THOUGHTS THAN YOUR THOUGHTS". Take heed brethren,  lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief  - in departing from the Living God! Yes I say! Unbelief seperates us from Him - we wilfully depart from Him when we do not believe Him or His Word - it is the highest evil...
The first two God will cast into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone are the fearful and unbelieving! 

Lord, I believe! Help Thou my unbelief! In other words, I believe you enough to know I'm full of unbelief  - Help! Help me to believe! Help me to escape the wrath to come! Help me to please you and believe you! And receive You! All of You! Every gift, every sign, wonder, and miracle you desire to lovingly bestow upon me!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

 God doesn't put leadership in people's lives to be their "head" - He does it so they'll be their "tail" - their servants, beneath them, not above them. 

People are meant to be "led" by the Holy Spirit  - not I, or any man. Leadership is there to provide balance and wisdom to a young one's zeal, and zeal to an older one's apathy. We are to be a model, an example,  of how to be led by God - of how to follow God, not men, even godly ones. "Follow me as I follow Christ"  - our entire focus as leadership, our goal, is to teach people to follow and obey Christ  - not us! We can only do this if we ourselves are following and obeying Christ. 

Jesus hates the "doctrine of the Nicolaitanes" - He hates the concept of "clergy and laity" , of professional and amateur saints - we are all one Body, one Faith, one Holy Spirit,  one God and Father above all - we are supposed to be one - with Jesus Himself as our head, not men. "Be ye followers  of me, even (as long as) I also am (a follower) of Christ "  BUT I would have you know THE HEAD OF EVERY MAN IS CHRIST - Paul is saying  - look, though I (and God) want you to follow me (my example), I'm not your head, rather Christ whom I'm following is! So keep your attention and focus on Him. This way, I can't lead you astray. By following me, you're actually following Him but I must not replace Him in your life - I am here to point you to Him - to connect you with Him - so that you'll not need me - yes, remember me in prayer  - keep the doctrine I've delivered to you - for it came from Him - but do not idolize or exalt me above due measure  - neither dishonor me or disrespect me too - for the same reason  - I represent Christ to you, sent by Him to minister to and serve you.

Leadership,  then, are simply to be the mature guiding the immature to maturity.  Their hearts should be to see those they care for become greater than themselves in every way. "GREATER WORKS THAN THESE SHALL YOU DO" We want our (spiritual) children to have greater faith than we ourselves.  Greater works. More fruit. Let's put it this way - as leadership,  as spiritual father's and mother's in people's lives - we want lots of grandchildren! Having lots of sons and daughters in the faith is impressive but it's far more impressive to have lots of grandchildren in the faith. We want reproduce reproducers! "The same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also". 

Apostle Chris 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

 You overcome 
 by The Blood
 of the Holy One
 but not the Blood only
 but also your testimony  -
 Not your pastor's, 
 not your neighbor's, 
 or your friends  -
but your testimony 
 of the love and hope He sends.
 got to
 His presence 
 in your life  -
 got to
His mind and heart are fixated on you -
 So let your words loose to testify to
 all He does for you...

Thursday, February 27, 2025

 I love the songs I've heard.
 I love the songs I listen to,
 but what i'm about to say,
 may sound absurd 
 but what about you?

Have you written songs
 by Him or for Him too?
 Have you shouted out loud
 your love for Him of whom you're proud?
Has your pen become
 the tongue of a ready writer?
Have you let Him bear your burdens
and by so doing, make your soul lighter?
Don't just worship to other people's heart cries,
write something unique from your heart life.

We should all be writing our own book of Psalms...

Sunday, February 23, 2025

 People flit by at the speed of life -
  some slow dòwn, others go on by...
Some interact briefly 
 a few remain close to me,
but amidst all the busyness
and lives I've met,
You, Lord, haven't left me yet.
You, Lord, have faithfully remained 
with me in Spirit and in Name.
You've stayed 
 when I've strayed
 and i cannot repay
 I cannot give
 anything near what You deserve
 but what i can, i will  -
I give You my heart 
my lips, my hands, to serve
I will no longer waver
I will not swerve
but remain in love with my Savior...

again i moan
from this broken tomb
not my will be done
but thine own.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...