Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?
Answer: Because they don't believe in them! Therefore they do not hunger for them!
They are full of unbelief of which a byproduct is apathy. They are satisfied with man, with flesh and they have no desire for God, by His Spirit, to move among them. False doctrines abound, all designed to promote unbelief and hinder "the faith of the Son of God". They love to have it so! They're lazy and content with the status quo: believing God is pleased with them when in reality they are man pleasers. Their services lack power because they lack His presence, because they do not know Him. They think they do but there is never any sign of it - never any fruit, never a display of His power and authority. They don't really believe the Bible - as the Holy Spirit understands it and teaches it - only as men understand it and teach it. "TURN YOU AT MY REPROOF: BEHOLD I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT UNTO YOU, I WILL MAKE KNOWN MY WORDS UNTO YOU". Do not let this be said of you any longer - "THEY HATED KNOWLEDGE AND DID NOT CHOOSE THE FEAR OF THE LORD. THEY WOULD NOT RECEIVE MY COUNSEL: THEY DESPISED ALL MY REPROOF". "TODAY, IF YOU WILL HEAR HIS VOICE, HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARTS!" "DO NOT BE AS YOUR FATHERS, A STUBBORN AND REBELLIOUS GENERATION THAT SET NOT THEIR HEART ARIGHT, AND WHOSE SPIRIT WAS NOT STEADFAST WITH ME - WHEREFORE I AM GRIEVED WITH THAT GENERATION FOR THEY DO ALWAYS ERR IN THEIR HEARTS; AND THEY HAVE NOT KNOWN MY WAYS, FOR MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS, SAITH THE LORD. FOR AS THE HEAVENS ARE HIGHER THAN THE EARTH, SO ARE MY WAYS HIGHER THAN YOUR WAYS, AND MY THOUGHTS THAN YOUR THOUGHTS". Take heed brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief - in departing from the Living God! Yes I say! Unbelief seperates us from Him - we wilfully depart from Him when we do not believe Him or His Word - it is the highest evil...
The first two God will cast into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone are the fearful and unbelieving!
Lord, I believe! Help Thou my unbelief! In other words, I believe you enough to know I'm full of unbelief - Help! Help me to believe! Help me to escape the wrath to come! Help me to please you and believe you! And receive You! All of You! Every gift, every sign, wonder, and miracle you desire to lovingly bestow upon me!