Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You thought you knew
You thought you understood.
But to God you are a fool.
All the wisdom mankind has accumulated,
will leave them discombomulated,
on the outside of the city walls,
no wealth to show for it all,
unable to rise from their fall.
The wisdom of God, to man is foolish.
The wisdom of man, to God is churlish.
All you need to know
must be from God bestowed.
All true wisdom is hidden in Christ,
so without Him you're empty of true life
giving knowledge,
the kind that can save you from Eternal death,
the kind that only the Holy Spirit can confess...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Tebow Time

Down by ten with four minutes to go?
Hey, not a problem for Tim Tebow.
Keepin' that 'tude positive and upbeat
made dem Broncos hard to defeat.
Lotta people raggin' on the Tebow man,
they hate that he kept on winnin'
They really hate the fact he's on a mission -
They'd rather lose with an atheist
than win with a christian.
And that's never gonna change.
Some things will stay the same.
Win, lose or draw, some will always be haters,
while others got the love of God.
All Tebow does is expose the love
or the hate, as the case may be.
He's a catalyst God's usin'
to expose the real from the fakery.
Don't like it? Hey, don't come whinin' to me.
When it's all over and said and done,
the Tebow's of this world will be the ones
who've won it all at Calvary.....

Monday, May 20, 2013


I join the ancient threnody
my heart breaking from the weight of my grief,
unable to find relief,
I sing this mournful melody,
of too many ruling their hearts mendaciously.
To whom may we turn for purity?
We must pray,
for we, like sheep, have all gone astray.
We listen to ceaseless voices,
our attention diverted,
our live's meaning perverted...
And then we breathe our last.
Hell has enlarged herself
with poets and philosophers,
regnant politicians and jaundiced wiseacres,
filling their oubliettes
with unholy detritus.
Their carefully built vanities
crumbling from the weight of their despondency.
Nothing of the love God sent
to conquer their crenellated hearts
can get through their hardened ramparts,
arteries thick with the pride that self keeps alive.
In the end, their ramshackle castles
will not keep nor protect their soulish chattel
but all will be exposed
by God's eternal glow.
There'll be no
darkness left to hide in
no time left to repent,
this lonely lament....

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I know that long ago when God first breathed  into Adam's nostrils
He exhaled.
And Adam, the first man, came alive.
And one day, God will inhale and the last man will die....

Every breath we breathe,
from Adam to the last man living,
is actually, God's breath.
He's loaned us each heart beat we possess.
How we use them is up to us,
but don't think for a minute He doesn't notice
how His breath is being used -
to power a heart that loves Him or hates Truth?
God created our souls.
Don't you think He knows
where you'll one day go?
Your body, everything you are,
is all on loan from God.
What will you do when the lease expires?
You can't buy your next breath.
You can't buy your own soul.
The only price God will accept
is Jesus' blood that flowed.......

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Everyone's immortal -
                 get this fact through your head.
Everyone will live forever,
                     after they're dead.
Believe what you want to,
it doesn't change the truth. *
The only question is -
where are you going to?
Will you end up in paradise,
with our Lord Jesus, Christ?
Or will you end up in hell
with Satan and his angels?
Your destination's choice is entirely yours,
hell's gates or heaven's doors,
what you believe decides your destiny,
what you really believe in your deepest core
will be revealed on the threshold of eternity's door.....

* Thanks, Tiffany!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

You are bought with a great price
be not the slave of men
Present your body as a living sacrafice
do good and lend - hoping for nothing again
And you will be the child of the highest
for He is kind to the unthankful
Neither give place to the devil
Let no man deceive you with vain words
Be righteous and fervent that your prayers may be heard
And walk in love, as Christ loves us
and in riches or yourself - do not trust
But trust in the God who raises the dead
Truthfully, you will be fed, well fed.

Many teach things which they ought not
Their mouths must be stopped
Like wolves in sheep's clothing,
they come to devour the righteous and holy
Do nothing by partiality
Treat all men equally
Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor
These thoughts and more ought you to ponder,
for some are already turned aside after satan
filling their hearts with lust or with hatin'
You must flee these things
The good fight of faith you must be fighting
Lay hold on Eternal Life, I charge thee,
                     - your Christ

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...