Monday, July 29, 2013

The saddest things

One of the saddest things I know
is a pen running out of ink,
a ship running out of water,
a desert without a drink.

What is sadder than an empty mailbox?
A dog without a master?
A key without a lock?
A book that goes unread?
A ticket that goes unused?
An apology that goes unsaid?
A mystery without a clue?
A pencil that's out of lead?

Now I know there are worse tragedies
in some lives.
And of them I'm not tryin' to make light,
but there are things such as I've named above
that I'd rather not know of....

Like hot fudge without ice cream.
A people without a vision
or a sleeper without a dream.
A judge without a decision,
a prophet without a tongue.
A surgeon without an incision,
a mother without a son.
A guitar without strings.
A bird without wings.
These are but a few of the saddest things.....

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I was at a fish pond the other day.
I was there with Tiffany and Kari.
They fished Korean style - it was fun,
just kickin' back in the afternoon sun.
It got more exciting still when Kari caught one!
You should see the pictures, at least a foot long!
Now the policy of this particular pond is
after you catch em' you throw em' back in.
(the fish feels kind of like he's been born again).
But too many churches have a similar policy,
now don't go callin' this a heresy,
but when souls get "saved" they follow this trend -
they refuse to care for and disciple them,
instead they throw them into religion
and this, my reader, is a sin...
They should become disciples of Christ
led and taught by the Holy Spirit Himself.
They should soar high like eagles,
not become chickens in a pen.
They should bear much fruit unto Him
who purchased them with his precious blood.
They should with HIM, with Truth, fall in love...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Dear readers,

It has come to my attention that a precious man of God, one of the Lord's faithful servants in Malawi, Mr.Forbes Msiska, is in need of emergency funds to care for his family...he is responsible for seven churches and several charities but receives no monetary compensation...please seek the Lord about how much to send to him...thank you sincerely from the bottom of  my heart and please consider sharing his need with your church or anyone you know who is a follower of Christ...

Here are his bank details...

Beneficiary name -Mr Forbes Msiska CountryMALAWI IBAN / Account number 0140568099001Bank Identifier Code (SWIFT BIC)SBICMWMXXXXBank name STANDARD BANK LIMITED-MALAWIBank address KAOMBA CENTRE

If you wish to use western union, use his name and this adress -

P.O. Box 32051, Chichiri Blantyre 3 Malawi

God Bless you for your giving!


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My help comes from the Lord!
In Him my spirit soars!
He is who I'm living for!
Amen! Yea, yea, Amen!

He's the One who sets me free!
By His Blood I've been redeemed!
He fulfills all of my dreams!
Amen! Yea, yea, Amen!

I can't help but praise Him now!
I can't help but sing out loud!
I can't help but be so proud
of my God and King,
Lord of everything - my Jesus!

So don't slow down - don't stop now.
Don't look back when your hands to the plow.
Stay on the path - He'll show you how!
Keep the faith - don't quit the race,
Never stop seeking His face
and He'll never stop showering you with grace!
Amen! Yea, yea, Amen!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A sky as blue as my daughter's eyes
That distant peak seeks to tantalize
A two week trek in a wilderness
so breath-taking I'll never forget
the greatest adventure yet
for this sixteen year old
was to join in a journey called "Project Bold"

We hiked and we climbed Hitler's eagle's nest,
then we hiked some more barely pausing to rest.
We built a foot-bridge of heavy logs,
up and down forest trails we slogged.
At 5am we swam in a stream
so cold it was hard not to scream.
They air dropped supplies on the go.
I spent four days doing a "solo".
I slept in a cave
near a mountain stream in which I bathed.
I climbed a glacier, nearly lost my life
and I climbed the Watzman on a spiritual high!

But the greatest adventure of all
is daily following Christ....

Thursday, July 4, 2013


I've made a resolution to join a revolution

that will shake the world to it's core.

Our obloquy will destroy their collusion,

we'll make the enemy right sore

As God provides the solution

which our hearts are pining for...

We'll join the fellowship of the King.

The sound of battle will ring,

for his army is even now marching

and training for the soon coming day

When with our foe we'll no longer parley

or compromise in any way

But rather we'll defeat him completely.

We'll remove his head from his body

and his army will flee in disarray...

Those who've become smug and complacent

will find they are forever adjacent

to the Holy city - the New Jerusalem,

never to gaze on the royal diadem...

So be on the winning side or get out of our way,

your religious pride will not win the day.

The revolution the Holy Spirit's begun

will liberate all God's chosen ones

who are all learning to wage war

against Babylon - the great whore....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...