Should the veil of death lay as a shroud upon your soul,
should your sins bring an end to the life that God's bestowed,
should the lying vanities you've pursued leave you empty inside -
Remember when you're done
oh prodigal son
to make this your heart's cry -
"Create in me a clean heart
oh my God of brand new starts,
and renew a right spirit within me.
You are my soul's destiny, my key,
my deliverance from all that's unclean".
"Do not cast me away
from your presence, Lord,
I beg you this day,
I beseech you, I pray,
may I remain in your house, forevermore".
"Take not your Holy Spirit from me,
without whom I will perish for all eternity.
I need you now more than desparately.
Can you salvage the wreck of my soul
I've destroyed so foolishly?
I am without hope if you do not rescue me.......
should your sins bring an end to the life that God's bestowed,
should the lying vanities you've pursued leave you empty inside -
Remember when you're done
oh prodigal son
to make this your heart's cry -
"Create in me a clean heart
oh my God of brand new starts,
and renew a right spirit within me.
You are my soul's destiny, my key,
my deliverance from all that's unclean".
"Do not cast me away
from your presence, Lord,
I beg you this day,
I beseech you, I pray,
may I remain in your house, forevermore".
"Take not your Holy Spirit from me,
without whom I will perish for all eternity.
I need you now more than desparately.
Can you salvage the wreck of my soul
I've destroyed so foolishly?
I am without hope if you do not rescue me.......