Monday, July 28, 2014

Don't ever lose the wonder
of knowing the One who
walks amidst the lightning
and the thunder....

of the little boy's heart
thrilled at each new discovery,
thrilled to know and thrilled to see
nature revealing God's stories....

Don't lose the wonder, man.
Don't have to always understand.
Don't have to be so dignified,
let loose and enjoy the ride
the Lord's takin' you on.
Let go, let go of control,
fly. Higher than you've been before.
Oh yes! Soar, believer, soar!

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Little Soldier Boy

While lying in the rubble of bottles, cans and toys
the Finders eyes were captured by a little soldier boy
and almost as if waiting for the toy to make his plea
he tenderly was lifted from the rubble and debris.
With gentle, loving hands the little soldier was repaired
and soon began to realize - someone really cares.
No more the dark and lonely nights
that once had filled his life,
the soldier boy all clean and new stands proudly in the light.
But the story is not over, it's just beginning don't you see -
For the finders name is Jesus, the little soldier boy is me....

by Chico Holiday

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Never ending blessings

Never ending blessings
is what I'm confessing!
Of His Kingdom there will be no end,
and His Kingdom
is the Kingdom of love
and blessings, my friend.
So let's rejoice together
both now and forever
for all God has in His heart
to give us is His great pleasure
for it is His desire, oh daughter, oh son,
to give us His Kingdom!

So let's rejoice together
both now and forever
for our inheritance
cannot be taken from us!
No devil, no swine,
can have this great pearl of mine!

I am victorious and always will be,
not because of anything inside of me
except my God who's planned my destiny -

So I will rejoice forevermore
for what my God has restored
to my unclean heart and soul.
He has never ceased making me whole,
He has never wavered from His goal -
to see me cleansed of sin and pride
so I may dwell forever by His side
as His Holy Bride....
Oh my God how can you love one such as I?

Thank you Father for sending your Son,
but then, thank you that you weren't done
for you sent your Spirit too,
that I may forever abide
you in me and i in you....

The never ending blessing
that I most adore
is You -
Your very presence
my Holy, lovely, Lord


Thursday, July 10, 2014

If I am not free -
be free for me,
oh my sweet
butterfly away
Butterfly away.

I fell to earth
far too soon.
Don't you fall too.
Don't you fall, too.

We had our moments, you and I.
Together we soared so very high.
But i could not remain
where hearts unrestrained
go and take flight
into seasons of delight.

Where innocence keeps fears
far away and near
So              you my sweet    butterfly away
Don't retreat but use your wings
to soar above dark and painful things.
Stay where love is -
Don't follow me.
Stay where love is,
forever light and free..... 

Friday, July 4, 2014

What is your purpose for being here on earth?
Is it to fill your days with endless entertainment and mirth?
Is it to accumulate wealth? Things and stuff?
At what point do you say "I have enough"?
Is your purpose to pursue pleasure?
Pleasing yourself without measure?
Why exactly are you here?
Is it to love and obey the Lord your God?
Let's make this clear -
you are to love and pursue
the One who loves and pursues you.
You are to find pleasure in bringing pleasure to Him.
Find out therefore what pleases the Lord.
Don't say with your lips it's Jesus you adore
while your heart continually ignores
the One who desires to
posses your heart,
to win your affection
to join with Him forever in
His resurrection.....

(Turn your insurrection into a resurrection).

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...