Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Oh God, what I knew
pales in comparison
with knowing You.

All knowledge, all wisdom
can never compare
with dwelling in your Kingdom.

Given the choice of knowing more and more
or simply dwelling in Your Presence forevermore
oh God I choose You above all my mind can store.

I want You - Your Presence
I prefer Your very essence,
Your company - companionship

beyond anything else my mind can conceive.
So Lord, let us dwell together
in love, in harmony with each other.

Delight in me for I delight in You.

You are far better than anything this world
tries to replace You with.
Oh Jesus - thank You for revealing the Father to me
that we may be together throughout Eternity.

All I truly know is
Your call is worth it all.......

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Is your heart still able to be convicted?
Is your heart still able to weep?
Can you still be afflicted
over the sin your heart keeps?
Can you still choose
to repent of the wickedness
your heart still embraces?
Of do you refuse
to confront the sin and degradation
your heart still chases?

Do not enjoy
the pleasure of sin
which lasts for a moment
but ends in death
implore the One who
can save you
with His Blood and His breath.
Let your heart even now
turn to Him  -  plow
the hardened soil of your stubbornness
that He may
in the end
call you "Forever Blessed"

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

As the candle flame
burns away all my shame
So my waxen heart
melts in your Holy presence, Lord
and all that melts before You
becomes transformed into
the image You've always desired....
the image of Christ.
Sweet fragrance arise!
Sweet fragrance of Christ
rise out of my
heart of sacrifice
and may You Lord, forever be
pleased with me.......

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

We must free our minds from the bondage of religious thinking
We must love and embrace Truth to keep our souls from stinking
There is no "form of service" we must follow
rather Christ through His Spirit must be followed
Then our "services" become free to be all that He desires -
with each member ablaze with His holy fire
Each service becomes unique, a holy reflection of Him,
who is unique, as is each of us....
for in each service His will is done, not the will of man....
thereby ensuring we will stick to His eternal plan.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...