Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Relight me, reignite me,
living for You is all I want to do.
My life is worth nothing apart from You,
not worth my days, not worth my time,
unless I live for the One sublime.

Please inspect me, redirect me,
take me back to the place where You connect me
to your very heart, Your very soul,
the only place I can ever be whole.
Ah, Lord, my God and King,
stop me from wandering,
from straying.
Make me, force me to,
remain deeply in love with You......

Friday, November 21, 2014

This River

This river won't ever run dry.
This river comes from the Most High.
Your thirst will always be quenched.
Your soul will always be cleansed
and every wound He will tend...

So dive in - don't hold back.
This river has all you lack.
Don't be shy, don't turn away,
enter this river to stay -
The river of His Presence,
the river of Holiness,
the river that's precious
and mighty and glorious
will take you where you need to go
for this river flows from His Throne,
the place you will forever call home....

Sunday, November 16, 2014

How often have you read
worthless drivel
unworthy of space in your head?

Because in the end -
it's not what you know,
that decides where you'll go,
but who.
So focus on what is true.
Only Jesus
can lead us
to Paradise.
So don't despise
what I'm writing
cause I'm inviting
you to be
with me
for eternity
in the place
of Holiness
and no disgrace.
Come with me
whoever you may be.
You're welcome in
the New Jerusalem,
forever beholding
His glorious face....

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Though a thousand suns
shone brightly upon you
You would still outshine them all.......

Could you but see
a glimpse of Eternity
This life would be
but a passing fancy.....

We set our hearts
upon the temporary -
what we can touch,
what we can see,
blind to the reality
that what matters most
is our spirituality......

Our souls are all we can take with us
when we breathe our last breath,
what will your reward be
eternal life or eternal death?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Make no mistakes - perverts delight in their perversions.
They adore them and they'll insist you make a conversion,
if you haven't already, to their point of view.
They'll thrust their sickness upon you.
They'll insist you accept them or they'll call
you a bigot, homophobic, racist, stuck up -
All you have to do is disagree with them,
for their acceptance of you to end.
But oh if they disagree with you -
how dare you argue?

Perverts are obsessed with their perversions -
knowing full well they're going to Hell
yet continuing to do
all that sickens the righteous and true.
They don't want to repent,
they don't want to be free,
they don't want to be reminded of their destiny.
Love them by standing up to them and being honest.
Perhaps a few of their souls you will harvest.
Remember - you are not "loving" them by agreeing with their perversion -
rather you love them by speaking the truth -
God can and will deliver them and set them free
of all that makes them unclean and filthy.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...