Friday, January 30, 2015

There is a place
where the unloved, the least,
the hurting, the hungry, can sit down and feast.
There is a love unending that satisfies.
There is one who hears every lonely cry,
who sees every tear shed in the night,
who's love will last forever,
who will make every wrong right.
What you're looking for     He is made of
For God,           for God,             He is Love
He's gentle, he's kind, he'll leave no one behind.
He's patient, (our sins) he forgives
that we may always live
He doesn't list the wrongs
of those who sing his song
His mighty song of Love
who embrace Him with thier hearts
So those who live with rejection and poverty and pain
will have paradise to their gain
So all that you crave can be yours today
simply open your heart to the One who saves...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

When you have no faith, it's comforting to be around other people who have no faith. This is why most denominations are so popular. When they say "what faith are you?", they mean what denomination or church do you follow. They are not referring to true, biblical faith. They are talking about faith in man, not God.
If someone gets sick or hurt and the first thing you do is rush them to a doctor. You have no faith. I am not saying you shouldn't take them to a hospital or doctor, I'm just saying your first reaction should be to lay hands on them believing God to heal them. If you go through a tragedy or something bad happens to you and the first thing you do is panic or get depressed, you have no faith. If you or your church does not prophecy, you have no faith.
Being in a church full of people just like you comforts you, because you then feel your lack of faith is normal. People with real faith upset you. They are upsetting the status quo, making you look bad. They're weird! Why can't they fit in like everyone else? Why do they insist on speaking in tongues or, far more importantly, prophesying? Can't they just believe like we do? In other words - can't they walk in unbelief like us?
Don't worry, people of faith don't last long in churches that have no faith, churches that have all the religious trappings of pseudo-faith, who have a form of godliness but deny the power there of. Who's faith is in man, not God.
It's especially comforting to have someone in leadership, someone in authority, validate your lack of faith, indeed approve of it, by having none themselves. This excuses your own lack of faith and it legitimizes you because you can comfort yourself by buying into the "Obedience" doctrine. As long as you submit to and obey your leadership, you are pleasing to God. This excuses you from having a personal walk of faith, from following Christ personally through His Holy Spirit, and allows you to follow man instead, specifically, your leadership, men who have no faith, therefore cannot hear God for themselves, much less for you. They are the blind leading the blind Jesus spoke of and the ditch they lead you into is the grave where their faith has died.
The Holy Spirit is never welcome in a place like this, for He is the source of true faith, as a fruit and as a gift. Miracle meetings are ok it it's a guest speaker that comes in once in a while but true faith never becomes a life style, daily lived. This is more like the pool of Bethesda than a true walk of faith.
So anyone walking in the Spirit is not welcome and will leave or be removed before long - for they are a testimony against their doubt and unbelief and they reveal the true spirit these faithless churches are walking in. The very dust on their feet will testify against their unbelief on the day of judgment.

Monday, January 19, 2015

What has become of you, sittin’ in that pew?
Even though to man you are the least
To God you are a King and a Priest!
You are Holy and Anointed with
Authority in the natural and in the Spirit -
A Priest and a King, hear this refrain
You are born to rule and to Reign
How dare we you disdain!
No Honour and respect given to who you are
Made to sit when God’s brought you so far

Rise up now, rise up Holy One!
Rise up forerunner, rise up and run
Be free of all bondage, all that is of man
Soar high above this fallen land
Going as far as you possibly can
Through the strength and Anointing
Of God, not man

Thursday, January 15, 2015

As the River flows to the Sea
So Your Love flows faithfully
And Lord, I know I’ll always be

As the deer pants for the water
I cry out to You Holy Father
Then Your sweet voice helps me not to falter
And I’m

Comforted – in times of trial
Because You’re with me all the while
Comforted in times of need
Because You always hear my pleas
And oh my God You comfort me

As the moth’s drawn to the flame
I can’t resist crying out Your Name
Jesus, Yeshua,
Yesterday, today and tomorrow just the same
Healing, Blessing, Comforting.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Oh be light hearted!
Oh light as a kite hearted!
Oh Jesus takes hearts and makes them His own
And He carefully
And He tenderly treasures them and makes them to know
Be Light hearted, Right hearted,
Let your spirit take flight hearted!
Not spite hearted, night hearted,
always wanting to pick a fight-hearted!
But light-hearted! Bright hearted!
God given sight-hearted!
Seeing by the light of Christ within –
Seeing with eyes that are beholding Him!
For those who shall see God
are those with a rest assured heart, pure heart,
found the right cure heart, not a worry in the world heart.
So be Light-hearted!
Not full of fears or frights hearted
but you can know Jesus tonight-hearted!
Through the power of His Might-hearted!
Oh be Light-hearted!
White hearted!
Meek and contrite hearted!
Achieving new heights hearted!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

He bears my grief, He carries my sorrows
He’s already walked through all my tomorrows
and when despair and hopelessness O’er my heart roll –
His compassion and tenderness are sweet to my soul.
Jesus – Master of all that is and has ever lived,
You took the form of a Servant and gave all You had to give
You poured out Your life as a sacrifice;
For mankind You paid the highest price
You purchased us with Your Blood
You’ve redeemed us with Your Love
Now we humbly receive
We take our pain
We take our grief and lay them now at Your feet
And we humbly receive
As we bow before Your Throne of Grace
We seek to know You face to face
As we humbly receive - Your Glory is our covering
Our tongues in Praise our gift will bring
We sing –

Honour to our God most High!
The One who hears our cries
To us oh God draw nigh, draw nigh!

Your Presence is all we seek
You approach the lowly and meek
Be near us now for we are weak…

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...