Thursday, February 26, 2015

Jesus he ate with the poor and the blind and the lame
and if he was here today would he do the same?

Well he is here today - he walks the earth in you and me
and he still has much to say through anyone who believes

But before he speaks to their shame
his hands still desire to touch their pain
and before he calls them in
he wants to touch them in the midst of their sin

So will you allow him to go?
Will you allow him to show
this naked and lost world so full of shame,
will you go forth in his name?

Or will you sit in your church pew
never to know what he would have done
through you?

Yes Jesus spent most of his time
in the homes and the hearts of those guilty of crimes
Yes Jesus got dirty and he suffered so much
just so his hands could reach out and touch...

What else could we expect of Love?

Saturday, February 21, 2015

And I felt your breath as you breathed inside of me
and my heart beats because you desire me
and if I lived to be 103
you'll never cease to amaze me

And I'm struck by your generosity
and by your constant pursuit of me
and may my days reciprocate your ways
and may I take care for my soul as well as you do
that at the end of this life I'll still belong to you...

For nothing has more value or worth
in or on this planet earth
than my soul you died to save
may I forever sing your praise

Monday, February 16, 2015

The little boy approached with tears in his eyes
and as he began to sob, to heavily cry
he said "yes momma, I took the candy from the store
but momma, I won't do it no more"
And as his tears fell upon his shirt
his momma realized - The truth hurts

A husband bowed his head in obvious pain
for his heart was heavy and full of shame
He told his wife "yes, I committed adultery
but honey it's the worst thing to ever happen to me.
I'm sorry that I sometimes flirt"
and the look on her face told him - the truth hurts

The Saviour willingly carried a heavy cross
thinking not of himself but of the souls he'd lost
His bruised and bleeding body testified to all
he was willing to go anywhere the Father called
For upon him the Father laid our sins, our very worst
the most blessed of all became the most cursed
And as they nailed him to that cross in agony
it was easy to see -

The Truth hurt
He hurt for you and me
He hurt, for all humanity
He suffered and he died
For every little boy that cries
For every husband caught in adultery
The Truth hurt and suffered painfully

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The widowed bride sat forlornly on the sidewalk
reduced to begging, her shame was outweighed only by her hunger
she had never in her lifetime thought she'd be caught
begging to strangers who most often shunned her
Older now and weaker, she could no longer work
the only hope she had left was the kindness of others
the pain that wracked her half-crippled body lurked
just beneath the thin blanket she used for cover
So it was that her hopes swelled within her as the rich man near her paused
only to have them cruelly dashed as the hunger gnawed and gnawed
for the rich man dropped only two coins in her basket
as he smiled at her, not seeing it was tragic
she looked at him and said "Sir, thank you"
and he replied "why don't mention it, it's the least I could do"

The orphaned boy cried himself to sleep most every night
losing both his parents left him aching for their love again
The orphanage he lived in tried their best to do things right
But his broken heart was a difficult thing to mend
He watched as the other children went to homes one by one
while he sat staring out the window - no one's son
Till the rich man arrived in his nice shiny car
and hope rose within the child with the soul scars
When the rich man paused before him, the boy looked up expectantly
and as the rich man handed him a baloon he cried "Is it for me?"
"Why yes" the rich man smiled "it is for you"
and as he turned to leave he said "It's the least I could do"

The rich man stood before Jesus for the first and last time in his life
He looked at the goats on his left and the sheep on his right
and as he was led to the goats by the Angel of the Lord's might,
He screamed "have mercy on this poor man!
Give me what I know I don't deserve!
Give me a place in the other herd!"
But the Lord just sadly shook his head,
pointing to Hell as he said -
"There is a place prepared for all who are like you,
and it shall be your eternal home
After all, it's the least I could do
for all shall reap what they have sown"

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The woman found Jesus at the Well
Then Jesus found the Well in the woman
And the whole town came to see
The man who spoke so bluntly
While the Disciples were in town
(Food for their bodies was their goal)
He was giving Eternal food to feed their Eternal souls
What we need to hear
Is the Truth about ourselves
Not “all is well” when really
We’re on the way to Hell
What we need to taste
Is a meeting with Jesus face to face
We need to think with what our hearts drink (not our minds)
Jesus will offend our minds to reveal what’s in our hearts
Though we try to impress each other with how we’re really smart
At the end of our minds is where our salvation starts

So let Jesus dig up the Well that is in you
Let all that is of your flesh be dug up and removed
That the Spirit full of living water from your heart,
out of your belly, may flow through,
John 4

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...