Saturday, March 28, 2015

Don't give up
Don't ever quit
Life's a struggle - don't you forget it
Sure there's times of peace and rest
times to relax and be refreshed
but many other times in this short life
you've got to make a stand, you've got to fight
For your enemy comes to steal your faith
steal your joy, lay your life waste
He'll plunder your soul
of all that is gold
and turn you into a slave that's been sold
Don't let it happen, don't give up
Fast and pray as often as you must
but don't give in to the battles you face
Stand up to your foe - put him in his place
Use the Word of God as a sword like Jesus did
In the light of God's Word your enemy can't stay hid

Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

oh the yearning
oh the tug on my soul
oh the compelling urge
to go
just go
I can no more stand here
beyond the appointed time
than I could stop myself
from forming this rhyme
The call of the wild
The call to explore
The call to experience
more and more
New lands and faces
New vistas and vast spaces
is God's way of saying to me
Come explore,
forever more
new and exciting Galaxies
Eternity will always be
full of fresh discoveries
for there is no end to God's creativity
(perhaps you and I will join him in fashioning new worlds and skies,
forever, together, seeing new sights!)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Live in the moment, live in the now
Don't look back when your hands to the plow
The past is gone, the future may not be
So enjoy each days beauty
For in every day is something unique
Enjoy each breath, each thought you think
You don't know when it will be your last
    take a deep breath, relax
    notice that wayward cat
    or that cloud drifting by lazily
    or the ripples that fish leaves after jumping
    That flower not only looks good but smells good too
    but you've hurried on by without even a clue

Thursday, March 12, 2015

We're reaching for the stars
with our hands and our hearts
Deep inside
there is a drive
to do something extraordinary with our lives
We want to reach, we want to be
far beyond earth's boundaries
We innately know we have a greater destiny
then just ending up as part of the soil from which we sprang -
We're meant to live forever
Exploring the Universe together,
singing the song the angels sang
the day we were born.
We're meant to always be                         loved
for love will always be.
Now that is a glorious reality
for you and for me!
So take God's extended nail scarred hand
and rise above this fallen land,
Rise, oh yes rise, far above this limiting sky,
to the infinite, where angels fly
Oh be forever loved, oh don't let love die,
let Jesus be    the apple of your eye.
So set your heart to know him
for he's the only way you'll be goin'
far beyond the stars
to where eternal joy and wonder are........

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Each of us is like the beggar
sitting outside the rich man's gate
helpless to feed ourselves
unable to change our fate
But if we choose to sit outside the gate of the King of Kings
We'll not be denied
a place inside
but we'll be invited in
Because our God cares for the lowly and the poor
and he demands that we care for them too
for truthfully my friend, compared to Heaven's store
we are all beggars, destitute
Our only position can be
to approach God on our knees
begging "oh Lord please, have mercy on me"

And when we've fed at his table and are satisfied
we should listen carefully for other beggar's cries
and invite them too, inside

Yes, when we "love one another"
we're simply caring for each poor sister and brother
So share my feast
with the very least
with the thirsty and the hungry
Sell all you have, give it to the poor, then come, follow me
Only with a heart fully committed to love,
can you be my disciple, you see"

Yes, we're all beggars, all of us, starving for love
the kind we can only find
in our precious, sweet God above
Now found in our hearts below
so let His love flow
freely let it go
so all in this sick world may know
the King of Love, loves them so....

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lord, I don't mind the woman you gave me
but there are times she's drivin' me crazy
Once in awhile, mind you not all the time
I'd like you to honor this request of mine -
Don't mean to sound like a sad sack
but Lord, could I please have my rib back?
I could do without the nagging and tongue wagging
the jumpin' my case, getting in my face,
constant scrutiny - tryin' to measure up to her standard for me
When things get too far out of whack,
Lord, I'd just like to get my rib back!
Remember how it was?
Just the two of us?
Just the guys hangin' - we never made a fuss!
Just once in awhile I'd like to take this tack -
Lord, can I please have my rib back?

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...