Sunday, January 31, 2016

You talk too much.
We don't like you makin'
such a fuss.
So just hush.
Quit talkin' to us.
We don't have ears to hear,
so why waste your time here?
We don't want truth
in the inward parts.
We'll honor God with our lips
but never with our hearts.
Hush. You apostles and you prophets -
don't waste your time.
Whatever you say we'll pay it no mind.
And if you keep on bad-mouthing our religious ceremonies,
we'll do our best to ruin your ministry.
So you'd better hush,
just hush.
We need quiet cause we're spiritual babies.
Oh hush.
Please hush.
The last thing we want to do is wake up.
We'd rather remain immature and lazy
so hush.                Shhhhhh, hush!
What we're trying to say is "shut up"!
Don't teach doctrines with which we don't agree.
We're in bondage to doctrines of devils
and we don't want to be free,
Man, go away!
We don't want to hear what you have to say.
Keep it up and we'll throw you in jail,
we'll do our best to see your ministry fail.
It's for your own good!
Hush, only speak what we think you should.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

I refuse to lose!
You know it's true -
whatever you choose
is up to you....
but I,  I refuse to lose!

I won't quit though I fall on my face.
I won't quit, no I'll finish this race!
First or last place, I've made up my mind -
I'm gonna cross the finish line!

Whatever obstacles get in my way,
they'll be removed whenever I pray.
Yes, I'll keep tryin' like ol' Wile. E. Coyote,
till I've accomplished all God's told me...

I refuse to lose
You can bet on it
Because I choose

Saturday, January 16, 2016

When all your socks have holes in em'
When all your dreams have woes in em'
When all your life seems endless strife
and all your goals have foes in em'.....
It's then my friend - you need to bend
the knees of your heart to He who can

Change darkness into Light
create peace from strife,
from chaos - order and beauty
all because He loves you and me....

So don't despair, for He still cares
He still loves and He still dares
to reach out to you
from Heaven above
yes this is true -
there's no where you can go
that can't be reached by His love....

Call to Him, call to Him now
Call to Him, don't ask how
Call His name, Jesus, please,
reach me where I am
and rescue me.....

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

If God had a wallet, your picture would be in it
And if God ever gave his love to you - there'd be no limit
And if God had a habit - it would be spending time with you
And if he played a game it'd be a game played by two

And if God could create an entire world 
and fill it with beauty
Just to have a place to meet with you and me
He'd do that too!

If God had a minivan - there'd be a seat in it saved for you
And if he had a house you can be sure you'd have a room
And if he had a feast - he'd definitely save you a seat
And if he ever got married - now don't stop to ask why,
but if he ever got married - he'd pick you to be his bride!

But if God ever found himself separated from us,
it would just make him so sad his heart would just bust
And he'd do anything to be with us again
Including dying on a cross for the sins of all men

So I hope you've gathered from this little poem
God truly does love you and in his heart you have a home
So don't turn away from him just because you sin
For he's not turned away from you
but he's welcomed you back in...

He's made a way where there is no way
So accept his love while it's called Today.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thank You Father for this day -
for helping me to handl
whatever comes my way,
for keeping my feet on
the path they should be,
for cherishing and loving me
ever so deeply....
for guarding my heart
and my tongue
and keeping my eyes
on Jesus, the beauty of Holiness,
my firstborn among many brethren,
the Lily of my valley,
the apple of my eye,
the One who will draw me
to join him in the sky,
the Savior of my soul,
the One who makes me whole,
the One who wrote my name
in that Eternal Scroll,
Yes thank You Father,
that You I've come to know......

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Finally my brethren, I leave one thing to do
Think upon whatsoever is worthy of Praise and True
Think upon whatsoever is honest, just, lovely or pure
Because as you dwell on good reports,
Of this you can be sure –
As you think on whatsoever has any virtue,
Know this my brethren, 
This is exactly how God thinks of you!

 God doesn't put leadership in people's lives to be their "head" - He does it so they'll be their "tail" - t...