Friday, April 29, 2016

Oh God, what I knew
pales in comparison
with knowing You.

All knowledge, all wisdom
can never compare
with dwelling in your Kingdom.

Given the choice of knowing more and more
or simply dwelling in Your Presence forevermore
oh God I choose You above all my mind can store.

I want You - Your Presence
I prefer Your very essence,
Your company - companionship

beyond anything else my mind can conceive.
So Lord, let us dwell together
in love, in harmony with each other.

Delight in me for I delight in You.

You are far better than anything this world
tries to replace You with.
Oh Jesus - thank You for revealing the Father to me
that we may be together throughout Eternity.

All I truly know is
Your call is worth it all.......

Friday, April 22, 2016

One question I've been asking myself, more and more and more -
Now that I'm in my sixth decade, am I worth dying for?
Am I a man Jesus is glad to have given his life for?
Am I living up to the standards I set for myself when I was a young(er) man?
Am I someone I would die for?
Because I need to die so I may live -
I need to humbly give the rest of my days to the only One who can truly save.
I need to surrender my heart with all it's wicked ways
to the mighty One true and brave,
who came to this earth to free the slaves,
of whom I am chief,
full of unbelief,
of little faith
and a heart that strays,
oh Lord it's this I daily pray,
more and more and more -
may I one day be a son worth dying for....

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

I want to make God smile today,
I want to put a smile on His face.
After all, He's put so many on mine,
He's made me smile countless times.
I want to bring Him joy
and make Him say "good boy",
even make Him laugh out loud,
if I could do that, I'd really be proud.
I want Him to be pleased with me.
I say this unabashedly -.
Lord, be pleased with me today,
Be pleased with all my ways,
thoughts and deeds.
Oh daddy, be pleased with me....

Saturday, April 16, 2016

How my breath is
taken away at the mere hint of the thought of You
and I together
forever, we’ll never
be apart it’s true
knowing this, Eternal bliss
is ours oh what Glory!
That You and I will always be a Never-ending Story!

Oh Jesus - my Father’s kiss
To You my heart’s been raptured!
You have forever captured
My love, My Lord, My God, My Groom
Each day is a thread that You weave on the loom
of Your love for me
I sigh, I cry to dwell with You on High
You stooped low, so I may go
To where You are among the stars
And this tainted, stinking earth will be
but a distant, faded memory
As forever together we’ll Glory
in our Never-Ending Story!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Who is a God like unto Thee
that pardons iniquity
and passes by the transgression
of the remnant of His heritage?
That chooses not to curse but instead to bless?
You retain not your anger forever
because You delight in mercy -
oh my God how I delight in Thee!
Oh my God You dwell in the high and Holy place
with all who seek Your face,
with all who have a contrite and humble spirit -
now revive the spirit of the humble,
help them not to stumble,
revive the hearts of your contrite ones
those who do not shun           
You,      who restores comfort to those who mourn
while the world laughs us to scorn,
You, yes You our mighty God
see all and hear all
and you will not leave us or forsake us
Your inheritance, Your people,
the fruit of Your womb,
the joy of your heart -
Behold, your beloved is fair,
fair is Your beloved,
she has dove's eyes
oh love's eyes,
seek us    with desire
oh Most fair on high
Until the day breaks
and shadows flee away
I am with You my beloved
and with You I want to stay
I will get me to the mountain of Myrrh
and to the hill of Frankincense
Where we'll celebrate our love so intense.
There is no spot in You, no imperfection,
You alone are perfect, my ressurection.
Thank You, for out of us,
out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,
You have shined in these dark days
You have shone
that You have not left us in this world alone
We give You our highest Praise
oh Ancient of Days..............

Monday, April 4, 2016

A kiss is an expression of love's intent
that our lips would only bless the one for whom the kiss is meant
All that passes through our lips, all words and all speech
will only bless, edify and nourish the one who's ears they reach
May nothing I say taste bitter in your heart
but sweet water only may my tongue impart
As our hearts are knit together, make this prayer your goal -
"Oh may my words be as a kiss upon your soul"
Remember now this saying found in Holy writ
"Let us greet one another bretheren, with a Holy kiss"

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...