Friday, May 27, 2016

A couple of things that I have found
No matter what happens to get you down
The world's gonna keep on spinning around
The sun will rise again
And whatever it is you're going through
You'll find that, as faithful as the sun and the earth -
our God is our friend
He really cares about us -
even when we've ignored him for a very long time.
Just talk to him again, he won't mind.
Even if you wait till you're dying on a tree
like the repentant thief, he will still receive you faithfully.

You say you want proof?
He only reveals himself to human hearts, not minds.
You can't know him intellectually
till you accept proof of a different kind
You have to soften your heart
You have to humble yourself
Open your heart to him and He'll keep you from Hell
He desires you - he really does
He wants to prove to you how much he loves
Once your heart is available to him
your mind will be filled with awe and wonder
at knowing the God who rides the thunder,
who calms the wind, who walks the water -
You'll be thrilled to personally know your heavenly Father
isn't out of your reach
but can be approached, can be beseeched
He's not distant and cold and unavailable
but he's near and dear and completely entreatable

The warmth of his touch, the sound of his voice
The truth is that he's made the choice
to be with you forever
If you'll simply value and treasure
him in return
Then the only way you'll burn 
is with the intense love you share
with the one, true God who cares.....

Saturday, May 14, 2016

My God is committed to me.
My God loves me faithfully.
His heart desires to see me succeed.
He loves me so much He was willing to bleed
and take my agony.
Yes my God is committed        to me.

My God cares for me           deeply.
He's never given up on me.
He'll see me through to my final breath.
Then he'll prove he's conquered death,
yes my God cares for me yet!

My God is faithful when I am not. 
His passionate love for me never stops.
He won't leave me or forsake me -
He won't let me rot,
My God is steadfast though I am not.

He will deliver me
from a Hell of my own making.
His love will save me
from eternally partaking
of the fruit of my rebelliousness
because of His forgiveness -

                                                           daily I am weak and frail
                                                           daily I am prone to fail
                                                           daily I refuse to fight
                                                           the sins that cause my present plight
                                                           my eyes wander, my heart strays
                                                           daily I do not seek your ways
                                                           I do not seek your face
                                                           I've become such a disgrace
                                                           I've chosen to replace
                                                           your wonderful presence
                                                           with fleshly pleasures
                                                           to what measures
                                                           will I turn to 
                                                           before I once again
                                                           choose to obey you?

                                                           daily I will eat your bread
                                                           by listening to what you've said
                                                           daily forgive me for all my wrongs
                                                            as I try to stay where I belong
                                                           May your Kingdom come
                                                           may your will be done
                                                           in my heart as it is in Heaven
                                                           May Satan's sway
                                                           O'er me today
                                                            be removed like the Pharisee's leaven
                                                           May the whisper to me
                                                           to exalt myself
                                                           above your will
                                                           be cast down to Hell
                                                           and never fulfilled.......

Monday, May 9, 2016

Oh precious one –
When you feel like you have to run
When you think you have to flee
To keep yourself from harm -
Oh precious one,
When you do decide to run
Run straight into your loving Father’s arms!

He’ll hold you so close and sigh
as tears flow from His eyes
He will squeeze you and hug you
do nothing but love you
Yes, He’ll rejoice
That you, dear one, made the right choice!

He’s patiently waiting and hoping too
He’s reserved a place in His heart for you -
Will you run from Him or will you choose
To win and not to lose?
It’s up to you ……

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...