Monday, July 25, 2016

She cleans and cleans and cleans
the rooms that never seem to end.
Hotel rooms were not where she
thought she'd thirty three....but then
she'll do anything for her babies...
She's a mother -
Sacrificing on behalf of her children
is what she does.
Unconditional love in action
is what she's an example of.
If moms ruled the world,
no one would go without
food or love
and they'd mind their manners
and of kisses and hugs
they'd have enough.
They'd chew their food properly,
look both ways when crossing the street
and they'd play nicely.
So when heads of states meet,
they should bring along their moms,
then we'd be sure, they'd all get along....
thanks moms......

Sunday, July 17, 2016

There are forces in this world beyond human ken.
There is knowledge that has been lost to mortal men.
There are indeed paths that very few trod,
least of all, the path that leads to God.
For if we would draw near to the One who made us,
we must forsake this veil of flesh and dust,
we must allow Him to teach us
and no man
for only He can reveal
what we cannot understand.
The knowledge that passes understanding
is the knowledge that can only come
by falling wholeheartedly in love with the Holy One.
This treasure is passed from His spirit to ours
till we're swept away by the river of His presence and power.....
away from the flesh and this world of filth,
far away from Satan's will until
we are set free
to be

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

When you reach the valley’s bottom
When you reach your lowest ebb
When you think all is forgotten
When all you do is dread

It is there that you will find Me
a bridge that is timely
An ever present help in troubled times
I am the God that eases minds

When you hit the bottom rung
When you can’t take another step
When your dreams are all far flung
When your hopes are all unmet

Oh do not forget –

It is then that you will find Me
A bridge that is timely
An ever present help in troubled times
I am the God who eases minds

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...