Sunday, April 30, 2017

For some people, just getting out of bed and getting dressed each day is extremely difficult. I can only imagine the depths of depression they descend into. For them, getting out of bed is a victory. For them, going outside and meeting other people is a victory. For them, Jesus said "come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest". "I will carry your burdens for you - I will lighten your heavy hearts by bringing joy to them. My light will shine in the darkness of your heart and lo - you will find newness of life and purpose possessing your days. Set your mind on me, fill it with my Word - you will mount up with wings as eagles, you will delight in me as I delight in you and knowing me will become your chief desire. Oh weary one - hear my words, for they are my heart for you - let them pierce the lonliness and despair, let them guide you for I too have been lonely. Take my hand - I will lead you home, dear one.    
"Casting all your care upon Him; for he careth for you"

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies it cannot bear fruit
It's the same with us - unless we die to fleshly pursuits
We will remain barren, unable to reproduce
As the firstborn among many brethren, Jesus taught us this
When he died and was buried then rose to eternal bliss
As the second Adam he's the progenitor of a new race
Able to fellowship with the Father and meet him face to face

In fact, the same example was set by Joseph
Who died to his old life when thrown in the pit
Then rose to bear much fruit from worldwide promenance
Much fruit indeed, for which our Lord has been the source
His body has been the soil from which we have all sprung forth
But unlike the first Adam, Jesus is obedient and wise
And so remains in fellowship with his Father in paradise
We too are called to bear fruit unto his name
The call to Christ and the call to us is exactly the same
If you want to prove to the Lord your everlasting worth
Then let the soil of your heart be found to be good earth

His Word is the seed by which many believe
But it first must be planted in us deeply
And then bear fruit in our soul and life
Before others eat of it and it tastes right
The Word in us must come to maturity
It must ripen before it tastes sweet
Though at all times it remains anointed indeed
It's better if it matures in our hearts before they eat

Monday, April 17, 2017

I see beauty in the sunlight
caught by the crashing surf
And I see beauty in the Son's light
caught by the crashing waves of His Spirit
stirred within souls
given to Him so completely
our identity is
lost in Him forever....

I want to be in the River
and I want the River in me
cleansing and removing
all my debris
sweeping me along
till I'm powerless to resist
His call, His song
Deep calls unto deep
but do the depths in me
answer His call to intimacy?

Monday, April 10, 2017

Jesus saw the suffering
when He left His throne
caused by mankind's sins
on this earth we call home
but He knew no sin
except our own.

Yes, the only sin Jesus ever knew
were the ones committed by me and you.
Pure and clean, He became our offering
that stained and filthy,
we might be
made Holy.

Oh my God! Cleanse my soul!
Here's my heart - take control
May it replace your Heavenly throne.
Renew a right spirit within me
that I may dwell forever with Thee.

When Jesus gazed upon
the crowd gathered at the foot of the Cross,
He was gazing upon the lost.
When Jesus saw those who
crucified Him he knew
He was gazing at me and you
and He took pity and said
"Father forgive them
for they know not what they do".

"Give them life for death,
love for hate.
Rescue them
from a horrible fate.
Don't let them continue to be
apart from You and Me".

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Jim was a janitor at the local High School
He’d shuffle around quietly a fiddlin’ with his tools
Most everyone thought he was just an old fool
Except the boys who quit the gangs cause Jim came to their rescue
He was like the father those boys never had
Yeah, to them he was just like a dad
Without him they’d a turned out real bad
And if you asked him why he’d look kinda surprised at you
And he’d say “why it’s just what Jesus would do”
Yes, Jim was a simple man in most people’s eyes
“a failure” said those that the world counted wise
ah but if they only knew Jesus, that He comes in disguise
if they could only look through the Holy Spirit’s eyes
then they would be in for quite a surprise
Oh if their empty souls and spirits only knew
The Bread of Life was broken and shared in that school
For Jesus walked those halls in Jim
And He’d point at Jim and say –
“Take, eat, this is My Body, given for you”

John spent his time in the bus station down town
Just to see him come walkin’ in would make the pimps frown
He’d say “hey, Bobby Ray why you lookin’ so down?
I got a bus ticket here says I’m Heaven bound!”
You see, John could spot a runaway as soon as they’d step off the bus
So could the pimps, that’s why it was an absolute must
That John be there to offer them a hand they could trust
Or their only choice then would be a life of prostitution and drugs
John worked for a ministry that took these girls off the street
And if by chance it was Jesus you were wantin’ to meet
He’d introduce you to John and say –
“This is My Body, take and eat”

Sarah was a nurse - it must a been her destiny
Cause she sure was good at it all the doctors and patients agreed
There was somethin’ about Sarah that put your mind at ease
And whenever she was near you’d feel a sense of peace
The doctors noticed most of Sarah’s patients would pull through just fine
What they didn’t know was that she’d spend hours
Praying over each one, one at a time
Sarah spent her life in prayer, for others she really cared
She invited many to come to The Lord’s table and dine
Where you could hear Jesus say with pride
“This Sarah, whose Life is poured out for others,
her body, the bread which you have partaken of
is Mine”

When The Lord took the bread in His hands, He broke it, then shared it with
His Disciples. Even so, when we completely surrender to Him, in His hands
We become broken, then, and only from a posture of brokenness, we are
shared with one another. The great gift of our God is the precious saints we
get to commune and fellowship with as we each journey back home.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...