Saturday, May 27, 2017

You're gonna have to retrain your brain.
You're gonna have to restart your heart.
Fill all that remains
with what you knew at the start -
the unconditional outpouring of love
a mother gives her child
is like the love your God
gives you all the while.
As a mother out of love
willingly suffered to give you life,
so did your God on the Cross,
the Savior, Jesus, the Christ.
His love is a womb,
a place of warmth and safety
wherein you can grow
and become who you were always meant to be -
a child of the Most High
God who loves you unconditionally.
Yet your mind's been lied to,
your heart's been deceived.
You're convinced God's love
has conditions and rules
you could never hope to achieve.
You think His love is
something to be earned
by not being a fool.
Satan whispers in one ear
"you have to b perfect and Holy to earn God's love"
while in the other he whispers -
"you're a failure - you've sinned far too much
for God to ever accept you, might as well quit, 
just go to church and pretend all is well, 
but pal, you're going to hell"

Precious one,
don't buy the lie.
God loved you fully before you ever loved him
and no matter how much you sin,
He loves you still, completely, fully,
for loving you is His will.

Friday, May 19, 2017

The Religious spirit is actually Satan disguised as a Christian. He wants to teach you how to be a Christian. He wants you to avoid the Holy Spirit at all costs. He wants you to never get baptized in the Holy Spirit. Never let the Holy Spirit inside you. Never obey him. Never speak in tongues. Never prophecy. Never heal the sick. Never raise the dead. Never cast out demons.
Evangelism is ok, as long as you lead them to the dead, lifeless form of Christianity Satan loves. Lead them to your church, never to Christ. Never lead them to the Kingdom of Heaven. Have them submit to and serve the Religious spirit and Satan is happy. Choose you this day whom you will serve - Satan or God? Whose spirit will you submit to? Who will you follow? It's decision time. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Relight me, reignite me,
living for You is all I want to do.
My life is worth nothing apart from You,
not worth my days, not worth my time,
unless I live for the One sublime.

Please inspect me, redirect me,
take me back to the place where You connect me
to your very heart, Your very soul,
the only place I can ever be whole.
Ah, Lord, my God and King,
stop me from wandering, 
from straying.
Make me, force me to,
remain deeply in love with You......

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...