Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The waves end their journey
far from some distant land
splashing upon this beach
where my toes are covered in sand
A dolphin swims by
for a chat and a sip of my tea
then slowly swims away
like the day - rather lazily...
At the beach you unburden yourself
trading cares for each new shell.
The salty air fills your lungs
and you forget from where you've come.
Everyone's friendly at the beach
saying hello, thank you and please
sharing our common secret -
that being at the beach
brings laughter, rest and peace....
Calling me

Sunday, November 26, 2017

     Further proof denominations are not of God - They do not pursue the things dear to God's heart - Israel, Orphans, Widows, The poor, Apostles and Prophets, prophecy, The Holy Spirit! Oneness! "THAT THEY MAY ALL BE ONE; AS THOU, FATHER, ART IN ME, AND I IN THEE, THAT THEY ALSO MAY BE ONE IN US: THAT THE WORLD MAY BELIEVE" - It's no wonder Satan loves denominations - they keep "Christians" fractured and divided and are the complete opposite of Jesus' high priestly prayer in John 17:21. The kind of unity Jesus is speaking of is supernatural and can only exist in the Bond of His Spirit dwelling in each of us, knitting our hearts together in pure, godly love for one another. This is the witness Jesus wants His Church, His people to show the world "that they may believe that Thou hast sent me". You see, the world is and will forever be fractured and divided - no real unity, until the world bows before the Anti-Christ and confesses him to be their lord and savior. Meanwhile, the world looks upon denominational Christianity and sees it's mirror image - division after division with organizations ruled by men, by flesh, with little or no manifestation of God's presence in the form of the Holy Spirit, manifesting in fruit and gifts. No real unity, even among churches within the same denominations. No tongues, prophecy, healings, demons being cast out (instead their welcomed in), no resurrections, only endless ceremonies, endless rituals, lacking life and power.
     Gentile believers think they are "The Church" and Israel is "Israel" and they are separate in God's mind and heart. Actually, Jesus' bride is Jewish and she is Israel! Gentiles (non-Jewish) believers, believe in a Jewish Savior and are grafted into Israel. The wild Olive branch is grafted into the natural branch. This kind of arrogance and pride in gentile believers is specifically addressed in Romans, especially Romans chapter 11. In the Book of Ruth, she is a type of or allegory of all gentile believers to follow. She was poor and destitute, but faithfully served and honored her Mother-in-law, Naomi, who represents Israel. Because of her humility, her servant's heart, and her intense desire to be a part of Naomi's people, Israel, to the point of being willing to forsake her own land and people - "Entreat me not to leave Thee, or to return from following after thee; for whither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: Thy people shall be my people and thy God, my God" (11:16), she was rewarded by getting to marry Boaz, a prince among men, and by giving birth to the grandfather of the future King of Israel - David. Boaz represents Jesus - who will take all gentile believers as his bride - but after they are grafted into Israel, like Ruth. There is, therefore, no gentile Church and Jewish Israel but all are one in Christ. A gentile bride for Christ is a myth born out of the pride and arrogance of the gentile believers. It's the twelve tribes of Israel that make up the New Jerusalem, which is His bride coming out of Heaven (she is not of this world). It will not be the twelve denominations that make up His holy, glorious, bride, Hallelujah! Denominations (and indeed, all churches where flesh is exalted, where man is in charge) are the result of a deadly combination - the flesh and pride of man and Satan's spiritual influence - stoking and stroking that pride, wanting men to be just like him, independent from God, living without him, exalting each other over one another. Men love to submit to flesh rather than God's spirit because they love to submit to their own flesh, with it's lusts and desires. They think it godly to submit to flesh while not submitting to Spirit, when all throughout scripture God warns against this. The very central scripture in the entire Bible is Psalm 118:8 - "It is to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man". Next verse - "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes" (those that men esteem and exalt among themselves).
     "The men of Israel said unto Gideon, Rule thou over us, both thou and thy son and thy son's son also - for thou hast delivered us". They did not or would not give God the glory for their deliverance - and they wanted a man to rule over them. It's exactly the same in every church on earth where they desire a Pastor (or Priest, or Reverend, etc.), to rule over them. "Pastor, rule thou over us", yet Gideon had God's heart and will when he answered "I WILL NOT RULE OVER YOU, NEITHER SHALL MY SON RULE OVER YOU, THE LORD SHALL RULE OVER YOU" (Judges 22.23).
     Oh my brethren, all who call upon the name of Christ - Jesus - submit yourselves only to God, and only to flesh that is ruled by and fully submitted to, God. Only men truly anointed by God himself (this means their flesh belongs to Him), not appointed by some Bible college or board of elders, should you follow. Follow only men who are themselves following Christ. These men will not lord it over you, as the gentiles do, but will serve you. :But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant". This refers first to Jesus himself, oh how often does our Lord serve us daily? But next it refers to all called by him to serve his people. Oh how many, sitting in pew after pew, week after week, would Jesus say to them - "WHY STAND YE HERE ALL THE DAY IDLE?" "BECAUSE NO MAN HAS HIRED US" Their focus and hope was in man, they are waiting to be be appointed by their pastor or someone in authority to appoint do the work of the ministry,,,when all they really need is God's call and anointing. "He saith unto them - Go ye also in to the Vineyard" and I say to you my readers now GO YO ALSO INTO THE VINEYARD, do not sit idle in your pew any longer, rather GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE"......GO!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The sun is setting once again
Goodbye my only friend.
I'll wait patiently for you
till the morning dew
all alone, all through the night...
I miss my bride - by my side.
What shall I do?
Loneliness is a disease
my lover's touch is the cure
My heart's been put on ice
of this I am sure -
My love's passion is hot
stoking the flames of my desire
melting my heart with her fire,
warming me - providing me
with a reason to be
without the sun

Monday, November 13, 2017

Now think upon one more thing - To whom does the world ascribe success? Is it not to those who have the most money? Do we not think them "successful"? And yet - when confronted by the rich, young ruler - Jesus did the opposite of the world, he told him to sell all he had and give it to the poor, and then "come and follow me". Jesus showed us true wealth, true "success" comes from following HIM - not from money or material possessions! Who indeed is better off? A rich man by the world's standards, with great wealth, worldly admiration and fame or a poor man by this world's standards who inherits, and has accumulated Heaven's wealth - Eternal life, streets paved with gold? Even the richest in this world do not use gold for their streets! It just goes to show us, what we value here on earth is of little value in heaven, and what we despise here on earth is of great value in Heaven. Hearken my brethren, hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to those that love him? Love HIM, not this world - seek Eternal riches, not that which moth and rust destroy. Set your hears on things above, not below. Seek the honor that comes from God, not from men. Selah. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Tithing part four

     So I hope you see now that when leadership tries to convince you that tithing is a commandment from God for you today - it is a fleshly, soulish ploy to get you to give when they ask for money - equating your obedience to them as obedience to God, when in fact tithing is not a part of the New Covenant you have accepted from God.
     They often teach that you give in order to get in return. I've heard pastor's even teach that a nice car and big house are the surest signs that God is blessing you because of your giving and if you have a trailer or mobile home or old car it is a sign that you aren't walking in faith or that God isn't blessing you. They tell us to fix our prayers on gain, on getting more and more. This sounds really good in Babylon but in the New Jerusalem, in God's kingdom, it doesn't fly. Jesus said "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth". "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink, or what ye shall put on". yet in our modern day Babylon (USA, the world), we are consumed with thoughts of food and drink and clothes and material possessions. Focus instead on what you can take to Heaven - Souls! Yours and others. When Jesus sent forth his disciples with no money in their purse, he was testing their hearts - he was seeing if they were in the ministry for money, for what they could gain in material wealth "For some, supposing that gain is godliness (prosperity teachers) from such withdraw thyself; but godliness with contentment is great gain". The very same disciples that went forth with no money in their purse later had people selling their land and homes (by so doing, declaring their allegiance and hope in another world - the world yet to come, without end) and laying the money at the apostles feet, who did not covet or lust after it but redistributed it among the poor and needy, the widows and orphans. God had tested their hearts previously and knew he could trust them. (Acts:4:34-37).
     Many today are like Simon - who think money can purchase the gift of God, who think money can buy favor with God (Acts:8:20&21). No "Thy heart is not right in the sight of God". Many, many pastors have no faith in God to provide for them so they fleece the flock as often as possible for as much as they can get - and not being content with godliness alone, they keep coming up with new reasons for fleecing the people - typically a new building project so they can gather more people together so they can get yet even bigger offerings. They will always have one more reason for the people to give to them. Of course, giving to the poor and to fund projects God has inspired are good but even then believer, give as God leads you too. The answer to the call to give money may be more than ten percent or it may be less. At times, it may be nothing at all....God's people are inherently generous, loving, giving people because he lives in them. They know without being taught it is better to give than to receive. They naturally delight in giving and Satan takes advantage of this by encouraging them to give to ministries and projects he is the author of, fleshly, soulish ministries that want you to support them, who are not there to support you - thereby wasting vast amounts of money. "unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it".
     When God sent our family to Ireland, he told us to never mention money when people invited us to minister. He told me he was our provider, not men, and if he put it in the hearts of his people to give to us, that was between him and them and it was none of our business. We stuck to this rule for four years, only taking up offerings in our own services, not for ourselves but for guest speakers or those among us who had a need. God took care of us wonderfully as a result, for four years we lacked for no good thing- we were given three cars, amazing homes to live in and his love poured out on us through precious saints across the land who gave their homes and hearts to us - feeding and clothing us when we lost almost all we had in a fire. I will treasure our time there forever. Well, thanks for reading this far, I trust you'll be rewarded with wisdom in your heart and mind and eyes opened wide.
     Remember, when Jesus said "Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets, I am not come to destroy but fulfill" he was not saying "keep the law", he was saying he was the only one who could keep it - for the law dealt with sin and death and Jesus, hallelujah, conquered both! He said the law would not pass away till all be fulfilled (Mt:5:17&18) and he fulfilled it as he just said in verse 17. Now we live under Romans 13:18 - "Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law". Instead of following and trying to keep 666 separate commandments which Israel, bless their hearts, proved is impossible, we must need only to follow Jesus - who is love - who will always urge us to love one another. In God's kingdom, therefore, money isn't necessary - only love, for if I see a need and I can fill it, I do so, as God approves. Then, in his glorious kingdom, there are no poor or rich nations defined by money, but rather we are poor or rich defined by how much love we have in our lives - from friends and family and strangers and the poor and our enemies, eventually, pressed down, shaken (shared) together and running over shall men give, return - love back to your bosom, to your heart. By giving your love away you will continue to be filled back up again with the love of others. This is true richness. This stores up treasure in Heaven. As Michael W. Smith said "Love isn't love until you give it away". Selah.


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Tithing part three

Most leadership want the people following and obeying them, after all, they're the ones appointed by God to lead everyone else - honestly, Moses had to die in order for the people to enter into their "promised land". A new generation with new leadership would never have arisen if Moses continued on. You must personally learn how to lead, how to shepherd your own cannot always depend on your pastor to do it nor should you. There comes a time in every church's destiny when the pastor must step aside but too few pastors spend anytime at all grooming a Joshua or an Elisha to take over - though it's a perfectly natural thing for a parent to do.
When the Holy Spirit is absent from our leadership - then he is absent from the people. In his absence, the will of the pastor becomes supreme - not God's. Of course they'll tell the people that everything they say and teach is of God because, they'll constantly remind us, they are the ones chosen by God to lead, therefore they must be right all the time.
They will beg and cajole the people into giving their money each week to them. They don't require your life, only a few hours of your time each week and your money but if you want to serve God, you must do it by serving them. They must authorize your service and approve of it in the framework of their ministry. The focus of your Christianity is on them, the leadership in your local church. They twist scriptures to suit their purpose, often taking scriptures which are not about money at all and making them into money lessons. For instance Luke 6:38 - this scripture could be referring to love, not money - "Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom, for with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again". I've always been taught this scripture refers to money - haven't you? Think about this - God's kingdom does not need money, it runs on love. Jesus sent forth his disciples with "no money in their purse" and as we see in Luke 22:36 "they lacked nothing", though they went forth with nothing! How? God himself provided for them through his people, who allowed God to shed his love abroad in their hearts (Rom:5:5). They fed and clothed and sheltered his disciples who went forth in obedience to his command and they still do it today. I know from personal experience because this is exactly what happened to my family when we moved to Ireland by faith.
Jesus taught them for awhile, every day, not once or twice a week for a few hours. We too must meet with Jesus every day, not just at church. Then he sent them - he did not take over a synagogue somewhere, collect everyone's money then build a bigger synagogue. He did not require his disciples to remain there under his tutelage forever, no, he sent them when he deemed them ready, with the Holy Spirit as their guide, amen.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Tithing Part Two

Immature adults, in other words, children, are the ones that need laws. When my children were young they had many laws to obey - brush your teeth before bedtime, look both ways when you cross the street, hug mommy and daddy every day, etc. And all these laws were good but as adults they are no longer under the law of mommy and daddy, now they've matured and don't need to be ordered around and told what to do. New Testament saints have only one commandment to follow and obey - love. Love the Lord thy God and love thy neighbor as thyself. Every other instruction in the New Testament stems from these two commandments. God simply demands that we love him and show it by loving one another. We must even love our enemies!
We, as New Testament believers - those born of God after the Spirit, not after the flesh, do not give ten percent of our income, we give our very lives to Him. We give far more than mere money (because money is the demi-god of Babylon, it is considered by those in the world to be the greatest sacrifice, the highest form of love) but we follow and obey God with our hearts, then our souls, then our bodies. We give our time and yes, we give our money but only when he tells us to. We should not ask the Lord "how much of my money should I give?" but rather "How much of your money may I keep?" We should always give as the Holy Spirit leads us to. Whether it's the shirt off our back, our car, or the money in our wallet. Pay no attention to soulish appeals by men to coerce you into giving, through fear or guilt or the promised of worldly wealth - obey God instead. If God says give, then give, however much he says. If he doesn't say to give, then don't do it, no matte how guilty they try to make you feel. Some shame you into giving - making a big show of it - (though Jesus taught us not to give publicly), so if you don't give - everyone sees it, while at the same time anyone can see who is giving, so they can receive the praise of the pastor and elders and fellow congregants. No! Obey the Holy Spirit no matter what. Herein lies the problem - denominations avoid the holy Spirit at all costs - they do not want people filled with the Spirit, walking in the Spirit (Rom:8:14 & 4), following Christ himself. They make all kinds of excuses for not allowing the Holy Spirit in (he's too messy, the service must be done decently and in order, he was only for the first saints, etc, but the truth is they do not want to give up authority and control to God. They want to remain in power, ruling the people. But such benevolent rulers they are! Wanting only the people's good! So does Satan. Mark my words, when he takes over the world in physical form (he already rules the world in spirit), when he makes a one world government, he will appear as the world's savior, wanting only to bless people. Ungodly leadership almost always present themselves as godly.
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" but most churches put people into bondage, into a maze of do's and don'ts where they decide what is acceptable and what isn't - at the price of the very presence of God in their midst. Even "Pentecostal" churches - which pride themselves on the fact they welcome the Holy Spirit, only welcome him as long as he submits to them. He may show up when they say so - as long as they want, and he may do what they allow him to. How many services have i been in where the holy spirit shows up during worship, only to have the worship leader start another song, or the pastor start doing announcements or his sermon. As a people, very few congregations know how to "Wait upon the Lord" (Ps:27:14, 130:5, Is:8:17, 40:31,42:4, Lam:3:25, 3:26, Mi:7:7, Lu:12:36, 1 Th:1:10). 

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...