Wednesday, October 31, 2018

It's the heart that pumps the blood. Without the heart to pump it - the blood is useless. It's the same for the Body of Christ. If we don't surrender our hearts to God, if we don't love him with our hearts (love resides in the heart, not the mind), then the blood of Jesus is useless to us. We may claim the Blood as the atonement for our sins but our hearts must be transformed by His abiding presence within us - our hearts must be fully given to Him, for the blood to keep us alive. Our hearts beating for Him cause His blood to cleanse us daily of sin's impurities. Jesus testified that many honor Him with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. He also testified that many will claim they are His servants, prophesying in His name, caring for the poor and strangers, all in His name, all without ever having known Him. I believe these are people who only know of Jesus as an intellectual concept in their minds but never surrender their hearts to Him, they never knew him heart to heart! He's given his heart to us, he loves us with all his heart, can we do any less for Him? Deep calls out to deep. Heart cries out to heart. His heart is calling out to ours - let's become one....
"Arise my love, my fair one, and come away"
"I sleep but my heart waketh, it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying OPEN TO ME"
"Love is strong as death"
"Make haste my beloved"

Friday, October 26, 2018

What if my father was the richest man in the world, and he gave all his wealth to me. What if I met someone so poor they would literally die without help. Food, shelter, etc. What kind of human being would I be if I stood by and watched them die, doing nothing?
That's exactly how it is when a Holy Spirit filled, Christ following, Father loving, faithful believer meets an unredeemed sinner. Our Father which art in Heaven, has wealth unimaginable - he is so wealthy He can purchase our souls and keep us from suffering eternal damnation.
I'm actually one of His sons, I know Him personally and I can have adoption papers drawn up for you, if you'd like to become a part of His family too. He's so wealthy, He can adopt literally everyone on earth and take good care of them all. But you must agree to His terms of adoption. Love him and obey him. It's that simple.
Yes, if I selfishly kept this knowledge to myself - what kind of man would that make me? If I meet you, and realize you have no idea who your real father is, if I know you are so poor you cannot purchase eternal food and drink, to revive your spirit and save your soul, if I see you are a slave who cannot afford to buy their freedom, and I have the wealth needed to save you and set you free, and I do nothing, what kind of man would that make me?

Monday, October 22, 2018

I alternate between loving myself and hating myself. Someday's I'm quite happy with who I am. Others, I can't stand myself. I despise the man of sin and love the man of God. I wish I could be the best person I can be, every moment of every day but I fail far too often. I find myself relating to Paul more and more these days. I find myself understanding his discourse in Romans 7 - "For what I would, that do I not, but what I hate, that do I", "For to will is present with me". I want to do whats right, I desire to be a good and faithful son for my Holy Father "but how to perform that which is good I find not, for the good that I would do I do not but the evil which I would not, that I do".
Can anyone else relate to this? This life long struggle is one that I hate - I know that if I "walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit" I can crucify "the wretched man that I am" but the doing of it can be so difficult, yet these days I find the Spirit humbly holding my hand, seeking my company, willing to slow down and wait for me and lifting me when I fall - I'm actually losing sight of who I was - who I was is no longer important to me. "Chris Tripp" is somebody I used to know, now I call myself "that disciple who Jesus loves" - this is who I am, and who I wish to be known as from now on. In all seriousness, my old man is not important anymore, my old identity is dead. I am dead to who I was, I mean, I'd rather just be known as someone Jesus loves here on earth and truth be told, I'd love to be known in Heaven as someone who loves Jesus. I'd like a few angels hanging out in heaven to point to me and say "that's the disciple who loves Jesus". Selah. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

We all like to confess, us Christians that is, that "nothing is impossible for God". We're quite proud of this confession - we like to brag about our God, and rightly so, how mighty, how powerful He is (we have no idea). We see it as faith on our part when we declare to God "nothing is impossible for you". The truth is, it takes no faith at all to declare our God's omnipotence. It may take belief but it requires no faith to declare the awesomeness of God. Sure He can do the impossible, of course there's nothing He can't do but look at the scripture more closely - MT:19:26, Jesus is speaking, "with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible". He did not say God can do anything. He was not declaring God's awesomeness, He is speaking to us, telling us - WE can do "all things WITH God". If we align ourselves with men (remember, all religions, including Christianity, are founded by and propagated by, men), we cannot do the impossible, for religion has no power from God, only glory from man, but with God, WE can do the impossible, just as Jesus, the man, did. Essentially He's saying we can partner with Him, co-labor with Him to do the impossible, for the word impossible exists only for faithless, godless does not exist in Heaven, in eternity. Just as Jesus the man did that which is routine in Heaven, showing us it can become routine here on earth too, so can we. Jesus is also speaking of Salvation, for it is impossible for man to save himself, it is done "with God" or not at all. We must continually remind ourselves - "I can DO all things THROUGH Christ (with Christ, in Christ)".....Amen. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Some songs strike a chord
deep within our souls.
Some songs grip our hearts
and they won't let go.
Some songs can still be heard
long after they've entered our ears.
Some songs           quite easily
move us to tears.
There are songs we measure our lives with,
like a certain smell or a first kiss,
they invoke memories of days gone by,
happy days or sad - can each bring a tear to our eye -
like Amy Grant's "Stay for Awhile"
or "Good riddance - Time of your Life" by Green Day.
Songs from spirit to spirit hold the deepest sway,
songs that rise up from deep within our hearts,
not just our minds,
have the greatest impact on our lives......

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Why do Christians think God is limited to the world's system? To Babylon's way of doing things? I have acquaintances in third world countries and all they want from me is money. They're always asking for money. Don't get me wrong - it's for very good causes, their countries are full of poor people who really do need help, but they always look to money as the answer to their prayers. They want God to provide money to meet their needs. I know why this is, I think. In America, the churches link together God and money. The more money they have, the bigger buildings they can meet in, attracting more people (everyone likes a good show), and thus, more money. All American churches take up tithes and offerings - teaching people that giving money is the surest sign of their own personal godliness and obedience to God. Money is just a small, small part of our walk with God but third world nations see the opulence and wealth of the American church and want to emulate it. Surely America is the most godly nation on earth because it has the most money, right? Instead of real faith in God, Americans put their trust in their money, they put their trust in man, to give them the money to live in Babylon. Money is the true god of America, we even write on our money "in God we trust" because or money is what we truly trust to get us through life. God is not constrained by the world's way of doing things, full of unbelief and fallen humanity.
Man's faith is in man - they trust self and others to meet their needs, not God. If the truly trusted God, they would act on the fact that He can provide all our needs, as He sees fit, with or without money. God no more needs money to feed and care for His people than a bird needs permission to fly. Look at nature, look at this amazing world He created. Look at the animals, the birds, the fish. All have been provided food, all have shelter, courtesy of our gracious, loving, Heavenly Father, who sees even the smallest sparrow when it falls to the ground and dies. Animals do not need money to survive and neither to we. It's just that we're brain washed from an early age to believe Satan's system is the best way, the only way, to truly live. We don't believe or trust God enough, not really, to live by faith in his ability to provide for us. We don't really believe he loves us that much. We see God performing miracle after miracle in the Bible, providing for his people, meeting their needs, whether food or healing. We read the words of Jesus - God Himself - telling us not to worry, or even think about, our needs for our Father knows what we have need of. He promises to provide, yet still we spend our lives pursuing money, not the God who owns the entire Universe and all the wealth in it. For whom money is never a necessity. He can send ravens with bread in their mouths if He chooses (a real miracle because most birds would devour bread as soon as it got in their mouths. Our lesson from the ravens is this - don't consume everything that comes into your possession, and don't take it all for yourself.) Sometimes, God wants you to carry it to the poor, and He especially wants you to nourish and bless his prophets, wherever they may be found. God can take your little and make it much, whether it's a widow's oil and last bit of meal, or a small boy's loaves and fishes, God can even send you food from Heaven, brought by Angels for you to eat each day (and He even cares enough to make it taste like honey, so you'll enjoy it more). The Israelites in the desert had no grocery store down the street and needed no money to survive in harsh conditions. If there were a grocery store down the street, they too may have begged God for money instead of looking to God for food. Perhaps we all need to behave as if we're in a wilderness, where we cannot rely on man, where money does us no good and we must look to God and rely on Him alone or perish.
Brethren, let us pursue God, not money. The American churches believe they are successful when they have money, but of a truth they are poor. Americans seek to say "I am rich and increased with goods - and have need of nothing". We associate success - with getting money and goods, we think gain is godliness not believing godliness with contentment is great gain. We associate success with getting money and goods, we don't even know we are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind and naked. What a terrible state of being! To go through our entire lives thinking we are pleasing to God because we have money and possessions and we put a few dollars in an offering plate each week, only to find at the end we've missed God's kingdom completely. All the needs (not wants) of all my poor brethren around the world can be met in Christ, if they would only look to Him for provision, not man. Yes, by all means give money to the poor, to our poor brethren living in poverty, but only as God leads you to do so. Sometimes, the answer to their constant pleas for money is "no". 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

I've decided to come out. I'm coming out of the closet. No more hiding who I really am. I'm going to proudly share my true identity with the whole world. I'm gay, meaning I'm happy. I'm happy that Jesus is my Savior and my God and I don't care who knows it. I'm coming out of my (prayer) closet. NO more denying who I really am. What I am.
We live in a generation where it's become more and more common for homosexuals (who like to be called "gay", who want to convince us they are happy being gay), to "come out", or put another way, to "come out of the closet" and openly declare their homosexuality. Indeed, many are proud of their homosexual lifestyle. They hold marches and rallies to openly display their homosexuality. Well I say it's high time Christians came out of their closets (some call them churches) and openly declare their love for Christ and his love for, well, everyone! NO more "secret Christianity" confined within the four walls of a church, or home. Let's be openly proud of our mighty God! Let's demonstrate his power before the whole world. Let's confront the prophets of Baal in our day and show them who's boss. Let's sing His praises openly in public! Let's make a "Jesus pride" day and let's march in every city in every state in every country. If they can openly celebrate their perversions, we can openly celebrate Jesus' righteousness. We can rejoice publicly in his goodness and graciousness. They are no longer ashamed of their sin, let us not be ashamed of godliness and holiness. I say, Christian, come out! Come out of your closet today! Join me in celebrating our "Jesusness"! Hallelujah! Amen!

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...