Saturday, July 29, 2023

 The wildflower grew
   and no one knew
 nobody saw
                          but God
It existed only to give God pleasure 
For no one but God ever saw
             this tiniest of treasures
yet it's worth was beyond measure 

There are those who serve God and no one sees
 no one knows          no one perceives 
but God
                 He sees and knows every sacrifice, 
                  every consecrated life 
                 lived not for personal gain or glory
                  or to seek the praise or attention of men
                but to please God alone
                 who sees what is done in secret
                 and lays up a reward in Heaven,
               our eternal home

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

 I sit in judgment of my fellow poets, for
 by saying so, openly, I invite them
 to sit in judgment of me.
 Which they would have done anyway 
  without admitting it
    but I disagree 
         with their reveries
               too often trying too hard
                      to sound witty
or as if their conundrums
held anyone's interest but their own
still, ego will not permit them
   the option of not stringing 
     syllables together and
      sharing them for all to
       wonder why?
but  - if ill-spoken
  perhaps still, their memory
means more to them
than the embarrassment 
    of sharing it......

Sunday, July 23, 2023

 So "the last shall be fist and the first shall be last"  are good words to live by, in any fellowship.  In other words - those who desire to have the preeminence among us and all in leadership,  should be servants of all. They should be the last among us,  in all things; while the last among us, the least, should come first in all things. The lesser, the weaker vessels, should receive the highest honor, the ignored, should be ignored no more. The silent should be given the floor. We should honor and esteem the poor. Oh my people! I beseech, i implore! May the last be the first from this day forth.....

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

 let it rain,   let it pour
 oh my God,  i need you more
let it rain,   cleanse my soul
 oh my God, help me grow
weaken me  - trembling 
  oh my God   make me whole

Chris  -
   Don't say you're sorry
   Be you're sorry 
   Do you're sorry
   The time for words is passed
   It's time for you to act
   It's time to see
   what you've been confessing 
   Real change in actions
   brings eternal blessings 

Words can be
  a waynto deceive
   a mask we hide behind 
   time after time
   to make us look good
    in people's minds 

Words are not enough then  
    till our actions measure up to them

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

 I now call my scars
    a blessing                 from afar

when       i received them
     I thought the pain          would never end

but with age
with the years gone by 
I now see that every tear i cried
brought to me a love I'd long denied
For You                  dearest God
                  love those
                                  who are broken 

So now, though I never thought I'd say this -
 thank you for my Judas' kiss
For the betrayal of a friend, 
for pain for wounds, and hurt i thought would never end  -
For what brought me to my knees, 
crying out for the love that never fails me,
for the stedfast love of my Father above, 
poured out on me here below,
for Your love, my God, will not let me go!

Sunday, July 9, 2023

 There is a love     that
    one can't embrace 
         till years have been spent
                 beholding the other's face

There's a certain      love
   one cannot know 
        till years have been spent
                  building a home...

For years season love
    like a rare and costly spice
       such is the love
           of a faithful man and wife

who have endured
    all life's trials
     all life's smiles

a love that lasts is
a love that surpasses 
any other love known to man

Indeed -  God's love has the sweetest refrain
by far, because God's love always remains -
never stumbles, never fails
besides His, all other love pales

Thursday, July 6, 2023

 and i saw the cabin lost
     among the trees
calling out to those
  who want God's purity
to come        apart from
 all that the flesh seeks
     to rest upon His bosom
or lie still at His feet

I had to enter in
   to that holy place
      where i lost sight
of me
in the shadow of His grace

Oh my Jesus
You're all i want to taste
all other desires fade
when i look upon Your face

Oh my Jesus! 
You clothe my nakedness 
you take these dry bones
abiding long in death
and you raise me up
by the power of your breath

Monday, July 3, 2023

 I saw the glint of the sunlight 
 through the veins of the leaves You made

and my heart rejoiced to see it
 for I am in love with Your ways

the stream never ceases to worship
 and give to You it's praise
And You never cease to cause
 my soul to be amazed

the tenderness and detail
found in all You do and say
Fills my soul with longing
to be likenthe trees and the stream each day.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...