Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mahon Falls

My lungs they fill with this mountain breeze
My ears hear this brook babbling incessantly
My eyes are consumed with Magnificent Beauty
Oh God thank You for creating all that I see
But most of all Father, Abba,
Thank You for creating Me!

I declare with my voice how wondrous You are!
For all I behold both near and far
Causes me now to fall to my knees
And thank You God for creating me!

I sing aloud to the birds and the Trees –
Thank You Lord for creating me!
I can’t help but sing as my spirit soars free –
Thank You, precious God, thank You for creating me!

It’s for You and others that I’ve come to be
It’s to dwell with You so very intimately
It’s to know You and behold You in all of Your Glory
Oh there is no end to Your creativity!
Oh thank You Dad for creating me!
All my fears and doubts, all my unbelief
You’ve banished from my presence – far away I decree!
As I rejoice, as my heart cries joyfully –
Thank You God for creating me!
The hastening of my chastening will not make me flee,
But draw nearer to You in humility,
Thank You Father for breaking me!

1 Tim:1:12

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...