Monday, December 21, 2009

Aren't ya Glad?

Aren’t you glad that cats have tails,
that elephants have long, skinny noses,
and there’s shells on snails?
Aren’t you glad there’s a great big world God made for you and me?
Aren’t you glad we’ll all be with Him, Eternally?
Aren’t you glad that rivers flow
like there’s somewhere that they have to go?
Aren’t you glad that birds have wings
and God’s filled this world with so many things?
Aren’t you glad there’s sea shells on a sandy beach
and sand gets between your toes as you feel the sun’s heat?
Aren’t ya glad Pizza is so neat
and cakes and pies taste so sweet?
Aren’t ya glad God made you and me
and He made us each so different to give variety?
What a boring world this would be if everyone in it looked just like me!
And Heaven’s the same way, spiritually,
Like the world is naturally, a place for us to live Eternally
and it’s full of endless beauty
for you and I to see
cause the most beautiful place of all
is wherever Christ be!

Psa:9:2 34:2 69:32 104:15

For Kari –

To that clever and patient guardian Angel of mine,
You must be exhausted from working overtime!
I’ve scraped my knee, stubbed my toe
and sometimes I do fall,
but I’m sure you’ve kept me from worse than these
cause you’re always on the call.
So please be patient with me,
I’m tryin’ my best to obey my mommy and daddy
but if I do get in trouble again –
I know I have an invisible friend,
My guardian angel watching over me
Keeping me always in peace and safety.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...