Saturday, December 12, 2009

Family Tree

When you are Born-Again, You’re born into the family of Life When you are One with God’s Spirit, You become a member of the Body of Christ Now that you’re grafted in, Why look at your family’s Acumen! To know who you’re to be,Why look at your Family Tree!
There’s Noah – without whom the whole human race wouldn’t be here(so the next time someone complains about Jews or Christians, tell them they wouldn’t be here to complain if not for a covenant keeping people).
There’s Abraham and clan – now there’s a family man! The Father of our Faith whom God calls a friend -Your family’s roots flow through him Take heart, this aint just talk – you come from pretty good stock!
There’s Moses, a man of Destiny - Your direct descendant, spiritually So listen to me –He was the greatest leader of God’s people the world had ever seen because he was also the one with the greatest humility So humble yourself and God will use you too, mightily!(you’ll bear fruit on this tree)

There’s Joshua and Samson and King David too There's Solomon and a Prophet or two So don’t reject the Prophet’s today –Listen to what they have to say,They’ve left a lot of footprints in the sands of Time And without them you wouldn’t have the Word as your guide and God loves them dearly, besides
There’s Peter and John and the rest of the Apostles Hey, listen they’re not just a bunch of fossils They’re pillars of the Faith we embrace today –They are your descendants, your family Along with all the Saints – they’re part of your Destiny Hey your family tree’s alive! It’s living, it’s never died! The family tree you’re a branch of is the very Tree of Life!
So when men come to eat of it’s fruit – that fruit is you!When the nations come for healing,It’s to you they are appealing! The sacrifice of Jesus, Christ Has relevance today when you lay down your life You are the salt of the earth,You give His sacrifice meaning and worth, In you Christ is Himself revealing, How good it is to be A part of God’s Family Tree!


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...