Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Living Bread

As we recline at this Communion Table
Let us set aside every hindrance, every label,
Every division, every fear,
Let only Divine Love be present here

For like His, our flesh is a living sacrifice
Our bodies, His bread, are broken by Christ
As we lay down our lives on the Altar of His Will,
All His dreams our lives will fulfil
We become living bread
Manna sent by God
To cause the hungry to be nourished and fed
With the love of the One who rose from the dead
And bring them to life that they may wed

Our Lord, our Lover, the One who bled,
Our Groom,
With whom,
We’ll forever commune

Joh:6:48-51 “Satan makes mountains out of molehills. I make molehills out of mountains.” - God

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...