Sunday, January 3, 2010

All Tongues

You know, I preached the Gospel to a cow today
And that cow stopped to listen to what I had to say
He even mooed as if to cry “Amen!”
He seemed quite happy his ear to lend
And another time I preached to a whole herd
You might be thinking “Why that’s absurd!”
But you know, they stopped to listen to me
And they mooed quite appreciatively!
And it seemed they were quite happy to agree!
So don’t dismiss preaching to a cow
Remember –
“Every tongue shall confess and every knee shall bow”
The Lord said to preach the Gospel to Every Creature
So cows and sheep and birds that fly
Will then in their own language, hue and cry
Preach the glorious Truth that now is known
For which all creation longs for and groans.


In my desire to obey The Lord, I’ve reached the point where I don’t care how silly or strange His instructions might seem to my natural, carnal mind. I heard a true story of a woman who was told by The Lord to go into a convenience store and stand on her head by the soda machine! She was just humble enough to obey! She then heard sobbing from the clerk who had been contemplating suicide and had told the Lord, if you love me, send someone in to stand on their head by the soda machine! So if He says, “go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature”, who am I to argue? Besides, here in Ireland, if you want to preach to a sheep or a cow, you’ll never lack for an audience! And it’s good practice! If you’re too shy to preach to people, start with a cow and work your way up!

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