Sunday, January 31, 2010

The closer you get to the Messiah
The more you’ll become a Pariah
Very few friends, forsaken of men
You’ll have tribulations and persecution till the end
Can you pay this price?
To enjoy God’s fellowship in Paradise?
Then you’d better start to realize
The closer you get to Christ
The more you’ll be hated and despised.

So listen to this that I profess
You won’t win any popularity contests
Yet with Christ you’ll be Eternally blessed and
If the world is in your brethren in Christ
They too will be your enemies in this life
So don’t be surprised when they aren’t too nice
Remember –

The Lord’s sacrifice
In response to their hate
Is the one we must also make

Father, forgive them.


To truly follow Christ is to truly forsake and be forsaken by this world
and all who belong to it. When our own brothers cast us into a pit and
put us into bondage or worse, murder us (Cain) by hating us in their hearts,
we must remember – all things work together for our good and perhaps we
will be able to turn and bless the very ones who persecuted us (Joseph).

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...