Monday, January 25, 2010


Heal Your people Oh God
Heal their wounds
Heal everyone still in their tombs
Heal those still wrapped in stinking grave clothes
Heal all who are Religious who think they know
Heal Your people, mature Your Bride
Set all of us free of Religious pride
Give Apostolic and Prophetic Revelation to all in famine
May every part of us be examined
To see if we are in the Faith
And may You alone be all we taste


“There is more inspiration in the Holy Prophetic Bible than in all the other books in the world combined”

I’ve lost so much
But I’ve so much to lose
I’ve learned so much
But I’ve so much to learn
Without Your touch
My leprosy returns
So I turn my heart away
From all my sinful ways
From lust, from adultery
From seeking pleasure instead of Thee
I lay my heart and it’s hardened shell
Oh my Father – keep me from Hell
Take all that in me rebels
And this prayer fulfil –
Demolish and shatter my will
To resist You and strive with You
I don’t ever again want to

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