Friday, January 22, 2010

How many days left until I die?
How many tears left for me to cry?
How many songs left unsung?
How many deeds left undone?

oh Lord, I know I shouldn’t complain
You of all people should know about pain
and if each day seems incomplete
Jesus, I take them and lay them at Your feet

Hope can seem like such a fantasy
I don’t take into account I have an enemy
I don’t pray and read Your Word each day
and I wonder why I’m falling away

I won’t give up

I won’t quit

I was naked before You the day I was born again
So why should I hide from You now?



Where are you?

Your lonely call pierced my heart through
and this flimsy fig leaf will never do

Here I am God, naked, ashamed and unclean
Don’t worry, says Jesus
I will be your covering

I atone for all sin, present and past
I am The Lord your Righteousness
accept Me for who and what I am
If I can accept you in all your shame
Can’t you accept Me in My perfection?
Which is the greater miracle?
For Me, spotless, sinless, to take on your sin?
Or for you, sinful, to take on My righteousness?
You cannot accept one without the other
If you accept Me as the Atonement for your sin
then I accept you as the recipient of My Righteousness
Which is the greater miracle?
One without the other would be incomplete
Stop meeting Me half way
Accept My Righteousness – it’s yours today

Lord, what can I say?
I love You Lord, today
I accept Your gift. So be it.
May our Covenant last forever
My heart is Yours to treasure. Love, Chris


I’ve included this because I believe we all go through periods of darkness
and doubt, if we’re honest. And many of us have no problem with The Lord
taking on our sin but we struggle with us taking on His Righteousness. Both
are vital and necessary for us to successfully transition from earth to heaven,
from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. It’s a wonderful thing
that He took the penalty for our sin on the cross but it is just as wonderful
that He has provided us with His very own Righteousness! When we are in
Him and He is in us, we become righteous before Him by believing Him with
all our hearts. Amen!



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