Sunday, January 10, 2010

Like the days of Noah, so are these days
When many will not repent and turn from their wicked ways
Their hearts are consumed with pleasing only themselves
So many are dying and going to Hell
And you, man or woman, whoever you be
Like Noah I invite you into the Ark with me
The Ark that I speak of in this day and age
Is the Body and the Blood of Jesus who saves
Who alone has paid your sinful wage
You are welcome into this safe, Holy place
He has made room for you by His Covenant’s Grace
If you don’t enter in to the Body of Christ
Like their bodies in the flood of Noah’s day –
Your soul will be sacrificed
Forever damned in a Hell made for Satan and his like


If you are reading this and you’re a Believer, share this with
Someone who isn’t. Share the Gospel, then invite them to pray the
Sinner’s prayer. Acknowledge their sin. (repentance) Believe Jesus died on the cross for them. Confess Him as their Saviour and God. Decide to live the rest of their life in communion with Him, in obedience to Him.

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 When you read my writings you're reading the revelations God has shown me, meat i hope, for your hungry heart and soul, but not the mai...