Sunday, January 17, 2010

Some waves approach the beach
Tentatively, timidly, as if their reach
is no longer what it used to be
While others approach boldly, angrily,
As if they’re upset at coming to the end of their journey

Some children approach life
with zest, head on with passion
as if each day is brand new, newly fashioned
that never before was and never will be again
While others seem burdened beyond their years
Full of cares and nagging fears
Unable to fully laugh or fully cry
Bottling up their souls deep inside
(learning their selves to carefully hide)

To those waves of children who bear too many cares,
Tis for them my heart formulates this prayer –

“May God teach you to be wind, to be light
May adulthood’s trials and burdens
Be banished from your sight
And may your childhood be
As God’s intended from above –
May you grow as a beautiful flower
In His garden full of love”

1 Pet:5:7

Written on Kells beach, Ireland, August 20th 2007

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