Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This poem came about when the thought occurred to me one day – there must have been a first snow flake! And knowing that it didn’t rain on the earth till the flood (Gen:2:6), I began to think, perhaps Noah was the first to see it…

The First Snowflake

The first snowflake fell from the sky
And the angels hushed as they watched it go by
As it quietly and slowly approached the earth
I cannot deny, I must confess –
It came to rest on Noah’s breast!
Noah looked with joy and wonder
As more snow began to fall
And in the moonlight and the stillness
He heard the Spirit’s call –

“Noah, delight in being, delight in purity
Like the snow is clean, like the flakes fall so joyfully and free
So is My desire for all humanity. Noah, delight in Me!
For there in the snow falling, there for all to see
Is reflected My desire for all who will believe
(My creativity knows no boundaries)
For each tiny flake, though billions will fall
Is unique in all the Universe, a reminder to all
That though billions of babies will one day be born,
Yes, billions will come to be –
Each and every brand new baby is unique and full of beauty
Born from above, born of My love, each new baby is to be
And each one, Noah, is a reflection of Me”

So Noah took delight in that which filled his sight
A snow field of purest white. He would never forget that night
He would remember for the rest of his life
The first snowflake that ever took flight. Good night.

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