Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yes it’s true, we need You
Our hearts can’t bear to live without You
But as we need You
Desperately too, You need me
You can’t bear to live without me
You died when I lived separately

Oh the Tree,
the Tree
Showed Your great need
for me


This poem will be controversial for some. There is a school of thought that
says God doesn’t need us at all. In terms of existing and “being God”,
this is true but I do believe He so dearly loves us that He needs a companion
worthy of His Love, for all Eternity. If not need, one could say He deeply
desires us, longs for us, pants after us even as He desires us to pursue
Him the same way. He commands us to love Him with ALL our hearts,
souls, minds and strength because this is exactly how He loves us!

each breath is a gift from You
each heart beat begins anew
my love affair with You

be pleased My Lord
when this life is through
with all the works that You’ve called me to

In the midst of uncertain trials
You come to me Lord
And I can’t help but smile
With each new morning
Oh Lord You are adorning
My heart with the oil of joy and gladness
Removing all my sadness
It goes against the grain of my soul
This comfort my God, is supernatural
And though the world might call me crazy
My Father I will continue to Praise Thee
You never leave or forsake me
When I grieve
Through my tears you wake me

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