Thursday, February 4, 2010

Civil War

Many Americans died in the Civil War
More than any war since or had gone before
For it was American against American, brother vs. brother –
North against South, it was a war like no other.

Now there’s a similar situation in the Body of Christ
Through Civil disturbances more saints have died
More have been wounded, more have been killed
Than by any curse the enemy has fulfilled.

For it’s brother against brother, child against mother,
Different denominations draw up the battle lines
You go to your church, I’ll go to mine
And never the twain shall meet.

If I am right than you are wrong
God forbid that we should all get along
United we stand, divided we fall
Oh my friend hear the Holy Spirit’s call –

Christ died for you like He died for me
We’re all the same at the foot of the Tree
The same Blood that cleanses you cleanses me
There are twelve tribes in Israel yet all the same nation
The Body of Christ includes every race, tongue and station
And yet all are one in the Son.

If I eat meat and you do not
Let peace rule and reign in our hearts
If I believe in tongues and you disagree
Hear my cry, oh hear my plea
Regardless of what I teach, short of heresy,
Won’t you love me unconditionally?

Let us war against our common foe
But against each other let only love grow
Let not our hearts wax cold
But rather let them grow bold in Love.


Quite often it is doctrines that divide us but Christ Jesus didn’t say, “Love one another, unless your brother believes differently that you”.
We are to owe no man anything except our love. This is unconditional, even if you teach what I believe to be heresy, I am still required to love you. Of course I will (lovingly) point out to you your false doctrine and prove to you from scripture why I believe it’s false but I will still love you. A true friend tells you what you need to hear not what you want to hear.

Peace Treaty

I, being of sound mind do hereby resolve to make peace with all who call on the name of Christ – Jesus. To the best of my ability I will endeavour to live peaceably with all men, especially those who are of the household of Faith. If any man is disagreeable and denies the teachings of Holy Scripture, and obeys not the desires of the Holy Spirit, that we would be one, as He is one, let his blood be upon his own head. As for me, I will seek peace and unity (not uniformity) as much as men’s hearts allow. Amen. In the bond of love –

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...