Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Come away with Me, come away My Bride
Come away from all that keeps Me from your side

Come away My darling, My love, My joy
draw close and embrace Me
and let us know each other

For there is none I desire besides you
No other Bride, no other’s love will do
My heart is reserved for you
there is nothing hidden, nothing kept from your view
You will see Me face to face, breast to breast,
before our journey’s through

I long to hold you
I long to know you
Come into My chambers and there I will show you

Love not the world or the things that are in it,
things meant to win your affections;
things meant to comfort you in your place (time) of need
but let Me be your comfort, let Me bear your grief
do not turn to another source, give no other heed
I am all, I am all you need
Seek Me, seek Me and My love,
We will be joined Eternally

How can I seek another? How can I know another?
You are the one given by My Father…

S.O.S 2:10

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...