Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Don’t let 3 ½ pounds drag you down
Why make Hell the place you’re bound,
all because of 3 ½ pounds?

Your mind is a throne
For God to call His own
You must submit your intellect
To the One you haven’t yet met
Don’t let your mind be
A stumbling block to an Eternity
With the God who is greater
Than you will ever be
Humility can’t be bought
But only when you cast your thoughts
Down at the feet
Of Him who you desire to meet
Can you then be free
Of pride, of self-sufficiency
Of eating from the wrong tree
Of thinking you know better then He
One of the Cross’ missions
Is to show you your true condition
Look long and hard, look close
What you see on the Cross
Is your very own soul
Your very own heart’s reality
Is reflected on the Cross for you to see
Your own ways – your own rightness
Is altogether filthy

Don’t let 3 ½ pounds take you down
Let God make your heart soft
Take all your pride and nail it to the Cross
Make your mind Holy ground
Forever wearing the crown
Of the knowledge of Him, not sin


You guessed it, the average human brain weighs 3 ½ pounds.

Let Me have your fears, child
Let Me form a salve with your tears, child
Let Me to you draw near, child
Open your heart to Me and hear, child
As I make this perfectly clear, child
Oh be of good cheer, child
For I love you
I really do, child, love you
Through and through, child
It’s you I choose, child

Thank You Father for Your love for me
Thank You Jesus, it’s for me You did bleed
Thank You Holy Spirit for You meet my need
My need for Jesus
My need for Father
You’re all I need for Eternity
And while I’m in this frail flesh
Submitted to You I’m blessed
You keep us in this state of weakness
And brokenness to teach our hearts to bow to You
Always we will confess –
May You become more as we become less

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...