Sunday, February 28, 2010

An open letter to my mother –

Thank you, mom, that you didn’t abort me. Thank you that you chose to let me live. Thank you that you didn’t abort me but bore me, laid your life down for me, gave all you had to give. For if you had aborted me, I would never have known my so beautiful a Saviour, my Jesus, My Christ, the way I do. And if you had aborted me, I’d never have known my Sheryl, my love, my wife and the two most beautiful girls to ever walk this earth wouldn’t be enjoying this wonderful life if you hadn’t first given me birth. For your sacrifice and generous act of giving birth to me and caring for me when I couldn’t survive on my own is something I’ll be grateful for and remember you for long after you are gone.
So thank you mom for not aborting me, choosing instead generosity, when so many never get to be, just be.
- Chris

Life is so precious a gift right from the start
I don’t ever want to waste another minute of it
with a cruel and selfish heart but please Lord,
renew in me a right spirit and a clean heart
that will please You and honour You and from You never depart
Lord, I want the pleasure of knowing that You are pleased with me
I want Your pleasure to be all my heart ever seeks
I want the knowledge of knowing
You delight in the fact that I am growing closer to You
No earthly pleasure will from now or ever
Compare to the glorious treasure that is YOU
I dedicate my heart anew to loving You.

May my longing for You
May Your longing for me
Make us one of two
For all Eternity


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...