Sunday, March 7, 2010

“Blinded by our Blessings”

We’ve been blinded by our blessings
till we no longer see
We’re here to meet the other’s needs
We’re here to lose our lives for His Name’s sake
Not live for ourselves till it’s too late
We’re so fat, we’re so lazy, we’re so blind spiritually
We’ve been led captive into Babylon
Where the cries of the bound go on and on and on
Oh Lord, hearken unto me
Open our eyes that we may see
Babylon must loose us and set us free
Because You greatly desire our Victory
You greatly desire the freedom of Your people
You won’t rest until we are all delivered
Back to the land You’ve promised us –
The New Jerusalem, The New Heavens and the New Earth
Clean and good.


One of the hallmarks of Babylon is an inordinate amount of time and attention spent on money. Money is a direct result of Satan’s presence in the world. God’s kingdom does not require money for it operates on Love. Freely we receive and freely we give. Love compels us to feed and care for each other. We have all things in common and no one suffers lack. God said to me, of saints in the U.S.A. – “My people often give in order to get whereas I would rather they get in order to give”. He told me the reason many Pastors and leaders in the Church in America spend so much time talking about money is because they don’t trust Him to meet their needs. The Truth is, anyone who is truly born of God does not need to be taught about giving, for them, giving is as natural as breathing. It’s part of their spiritual DNA! God also told me “you don’t take offerings from My people, My people give them”. He told us when we began to minister full time for Him, never ask for offerings (except for special occasions as The Spirit leads) for He is the one we look to for sustenance and He said He would put it in the hearts of His people to give to us and frankly, it’s none of our business!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...