Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Manger

The old Manger lay there
Having fallen into disrepair
Cobwebs and dust its most faithful companions
For many a long year

To see it now you would never have guessed
How once it had been so honoured and blessed
(not forgotten and useless)

For these old, musty beams once lay privy to
Oh the witness they saw, oh what they knew!
A most wonderful scene –
The fulfilment of all mankind’s dreams!

For here, long ago, on a clear early morn
The Saviour of all humanity was born
No greater event has history known
Then when God Himself left His Heavenly throne
And made the flesh of man His humble home

Now the very beams that saw His birth
Will see His very last day on earth
For these very beams, yes these very ones,
Are the ones they are using to crucify the Son

They thought they were no longer useful to man
But our Father God had a different plan
For when the Romans made the awful decree
That they were short on wood to make crosses of Trees
They found the old Manger and they tore it down
For they saw that it’s wood was still firm and sound
And off they hauled it to Jerusalem town

Now we are like this wood that once was alive
But was even more valuable after it died
For if for God’s Kingdom we give up our lives
Tis then we will gain the ultimate prize
An Eternity spent with Jesus in paradise

So when many a year slowly ebbs by
And in your old age you oft wonder why
Why am I still here? Of what use am I?
Just give serving God the old college try
For in giving your life up for someone else
In God’s eyes my friend, you’ll be living well
And when your last day on this earth arrives
You’ll hear –

“Well done, good servant, faithful and wise
Your labour for Me has touched many lives
Now enter into the everlasting Joy of Your Lord
Where you will never, ever be bored!”


Inspired by “Where love is, God is” by Leo Tolstoy

Praise to the Star lighter!
Praise to the snake fighter!
Praise to the wrong righter!
Again I say, Praise Him today!

Praise to the planet provider!
Praise to the wind rider!
Praise to my hearts’ abider!
Again I say, give Him Praise!

Young people of the Nation, listen to my dissertation
Ever since the dawn of creation, you are a Revelation Generation!

If you’ll obey and make the right choice
Than you are called by God to hear His voice

Great and Mighty things to you He’ll reveal
Secrets long hidden He’ll no longer conceal
And you will find that your destination
Is to be a Generation of Divine Revelation

Yes God is revealing Himself and showing things to you
That the prophets of old only wish they knew
Yes the angels of God, they desire to see
What God is sharing with you, personally
So when you hear a still, small voice let there be no hesitation –
Say, “Speak, Lord for Your servant is listening
for I belong to Your Revelation Generation!”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...