Friday, April 16, 2010

He healed their bodies
each and every time

but it was their souls that He had
foremost on His mind

His love for them met
every need they had

But the greatest need
that made His heart most glad

Yes, His heart’s chief aim
and ultimate goal

Was to completely save their Eternal souls


“The gap between what you know and what you will become is what you do with what you know.”

Ever since Adam’s heart first beat
God’s love for man has been so sweet
Cherished love so pure, so free
Evermore abides in me
To my heart, Christ holds the key

O Come let us adore Him!
Please do not ignore Him
Give Him honour, what is His due
Then go ahead and give Him you
Please go ahead before your life is through

Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice without fear!
Christ has brought our Father near
Rest, He’s mindful of every tear
No more yourself you need to hide
The Truth has put to shame every lie

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 When you read my writings you're reading the revelations God has shown me, meat i hope, for your hungry heart and soul, but not the mai...