Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wedding Vows

One evening, our house meeting had a visitation from the Holy Spirit who told us to have a “wedding rehearsal” for our soon coming marriage to the Lamb! A lady had brought a wedding gown to the meeting and unbeknownst to her, another lady had brought a wedding item and I had brought a wedding song. The lady hosting the meeting was to put on the gown to portray the Bride of Christ. Oh, she said, it will never fit me. No, we said, just try it, you might be surprised. Sure enough, it fit almost perfectly. God told us, so it is with My Bride. She doesn’t think she’s ready for her marriage to Me but if she will just put on her wedding dress, I will make the necessary alterations. When I’m through, she’ll be perfect! This all led us to prepare our own “wedding vows”. I suggest you use them or write your own. Either way, the Lord will be excited to hear the cry of His Bride’s heart. By the way, if He’s telling us to have wedding rehearsals, can the actual wedding be very far off?

Wedding Vows

I, Christopher Michael Waxman
Do hereby pledge anew
Lord my love to You
I rededicate my heart
To be Your bedchamber
Where You and I
Continually come together as one
I have found Him whom my soul loves
And I will not let You go
I am chosen and accepted
By my Beloved God
And I will give You pleasure
All my remaining days
And through me
Your name will be made great
You’ve chosen me to be Your Bride
You’ve called me to forever abide
One with You, side by side
As you have pledged to me
I hereby pledge to You
O my Jesus
I will never leave or forsake You

S.O.S. 3:4

I wish all the earth
Would thank and Praise
Our God, our Creator
The Ancient of Days

I wish the hearts of all mankind
That are lower than the beasts
Would bow before The Lord
The Prince of Peace

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