Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Blood

If you searched the entire Universe
You’d find no substance of greater worth
Nowhere within or upon this earth
No silver, gold or diamond ring
Nothing that is valued by man – No Thing
Compares with the Blood of Jesus!
Oh the glorious Blood of the Lamb!
Without which no man can stand
Before The Father in Eternity
Only by His Blood are we made clean
His Blood fulfils all our dreams!
Oh God,
Take this fallen heart
And to it may Your Blood impart
Your life and love bathed in Mercy
And may I forever be found Holy
Oh, the Blood is the love and the life of Christ
Poured out for us in sacrifice
And we must now expose all our shame
To He who has taken all the blame
That I may now be called by His Name
Forever wed to the One who bled
Oh the Blood, the Blood, it let’s me know
My God gave His all so I may now go
To Heaven, surrounded by His loving embrace
Where there won’t ever be found even a trace
Of my former sinful self
(shed forever like a caterpillars shell)
oh Heaven is a place far from Hell
Oh I worship You
The Lamb of the Blood
Given so I could know true love
And I could never give back enough
To pay back what You did for me
The price You paid at Calvary
So I will be, yes I will be
Bound to You Eternally.
Lord I want to put another log on the fire of my desire for You
Want it to burn brightly, passionately, till I’ve accomplished
all You’ve called me to that
when I’ve finished the last chapter of my life’s story
May I hear “Well done good and faithful Son,
enter in fully to My Glory”
May I have held nothing back from You on that final Day
May I have spoken all You’ve given me to say
May I have loved You with all my heart, mind, body and soul
Till the last Trump sounds and my name is called from the Eternal scroll…

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...