Thursday, May 27, 2010

Arise Complete

My Beloved is mine and I am His
And I have kept myself for a time such as this
His coming is near as the Dawn to my eyes
This longing of mine is soon satisfied!
Come Quickly! Lord Yeshua!
Says The Spirit Says the Bride
I’ll not arise complete till You draw me to Your side.
My God in my heart is an all-consuming fire
Arouse my love, awaken, for it’s now that I desire
Yes, awaken my Love, for now sings my heart’s choir!

Until then, my Lord, I will prepare for You this goal –
My spirit without spot, no blemish in my soul
The lusts of my flesh will not my life control
I will cleave to You my God
I will cling to You so close
And by Your side I will abide
I will never let You go

My heart cries are for You
Your return I await my Sire
Yes, arouse my Love, awaken
For now I so desire…

S.O.S. 2:16 & 8:14
Eph:5:27 Heb:12:29

The central theme of the entire Bible can be summed up in the words of Jesus, Come unto Me. When we come, He wants us to come humbly, as Ruth approached Boaz, so we may cleave to Him spiritually, as a man and wife become one flesh from two, naturally. Do not deny Him the pleasure of your soul but give Him full control. Let Him have His way with you. This is the only reason you exist, to give Him pleasure. Come to Him now, with your heart laid down. This will be the greatest act you’ll ever do, becoming intimate with the One who made you.

Lord, I want to be broken
So You can shine through
I really do.

Others can’t taste of You
In me
As long as I live selfishly
I must be broken completely

Shatter all my sinful ways
Cleanse me completely today

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...