Saturday, May 8, 2010

My poems are uniquely mine
Different from anyone else’s rhymes
I’m glad my writings take a different tack
Than anyone else I’ve read, as a matter of fact
But there’s a certain tone all our thoughts are tinged with
The fingerprints of God are found in all who are His
The lovely fragrance of His Presence
Graces us all with the essence
Of who He really is
We all smell the same, spiritually
Who allow Him to be, naturally,
Intimately, our reality
But the beauty of this Truth is
That the fragrance does not come from without
It is not put on us like a perfume or oil
Rather, it comes from within us, we are the soil
Naturally, as a result of knowing Him
Like a flower our scent resonates from within
1 Joh:2:27
In the Old Covenant, His anointing came upon us but in the New, which is greater in every way, He abides within us.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...