Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I gave the Word and the Word was given
It’s up to you whether you’ll start livin’
Now the Word is between God and you
It’s up to you what you will do
The Word is Spirit, The Word is Life
The Word I gave it came from Christ
If you believe it and apply your faith
It will bear fruit - just you wait
But if your attitude is so what?
The Word will profit you not
The Word will profit you not
The Fruit of it won’t ripen but rot
Your heart is the soil in which it’s planted
Don’t let satan rob you and supplant it
Apply your faith then watch it grow
Till your life is full of what God’s sown

Faith comes by hearing God’s spoken Word
Even the written must be spoken in order to be heard
It’s meant to go from our hearts to our mouths
When we prophecy, we rebuke the lie and the Truth will always win out
So don’t only hear prophecy but speak it today
And every time you speak God’s Mind
Satan’s kingdom you will slay


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...