Saturday, June 5, 2010

Love Makes Room

Thanksgiving found a lonely man
Far from home – his native land
A former Muslim his entire life
He had recently embraced Christ
He had no friends or family
His wife left him because he believed
But when I asked them to invite him to our Thanksgiving table
The answer was no, we’re just not able
We’re not able to share our hearts and our home
On this Thanksgiving you’ll remain alone
It’s just too crowded at our house you see
We just can’t fit one more mouth to feed
Thank God in Heaven He’s not the same way
There’s always room at His Table for those who seek Him today
Unlike those who by self are consumed
Love forever and always makes room
Love makes Room! Oh Yes! LOVE MAKES ROOM!
There’s never a time or moment when He’s not there for you
Behold I go and a place I prepare for you
And I will prepare you for this place,
To meet Me face to face – Love makes Room!
Oh yes! Love makes room!
You can count on Him to let you in
And free you forever from the bondage of sin
Just in case you’re wondering – God’s given you His best!
Love makes room (we’re no longer homeless)
Love makes room (come to Jesus and find your rest)
Love makes room (oh we are so blessed)
Love makes room, oh yes, Love makes Room!
“Be careful to entertain strangers”

“Some people go through life
while others, life goes through them”

Father, I’m Your son
From You I’ll no longer run
I’m tired of this pig swill
My belly, my heart long to be filled
With the food found only at Your table
If I be but a servant in Your stable
Please Father, take me in again
Deliver me from my so called “friends”
I no longer wish the path of sin
As I approach You from afar off, what’s this I see?
Oh Father, Oh Father, You are running to me?
Oh thank You Father, thank You! Forgive my insanity
It’s with You my Father I wish to be.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...