Monday, June 7, 2010

When the storms of life arise
and the wind seems set to resist you
There are trials and tribulations
that you must persist through
Set your heart and mind to be steadfast at all times
Banish all thoughts of turning aside
And then
Set your face like flint
Toward the New Jerusalem

Yes, let nothing come between you
and the Destiny God has called you to
To forever dwell with Him
in the New Jerusalem

When all seems hopeless, when all seems lost –
remember you’ve already counted the cost
And nothing in this world compares
to the Glory you’ll taste when you get there

Well you know that God is your best friend
So endure this race until the end
Set your face like flint
Toward the New Jerusalem


As Jesus went to the old Jerusalem (representing the flesh, the old man), to die, so are we going to the New Jerusalem (representing the Spirit, the new man), to live!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...