Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wisdom is the principle thing
Remember this in all your getting
It’s much more valuable than gold or money
It’s sweet to the soul like the taste of fine honey
Wisdom will set you on Heaven’s path
And she will keep you from knowing God’s wrath
Wisdom will preserve you while so many fall
So hear and obey the spirit of Wisdom’s call
When she cries out to you from out in the street
Invite her to come in to your home and eat
Make her your most passionate lover
Give her place in your heart above others
She’ll make Grace your sister and Mercy your brother
And while these thoughts you’re readin’ and lovin’
Always remember –
Repentance and Righteousness are cousins!


When I pray for a nation, I will ask the Lord for insight as to what to pray. As I lifted England up to Him, this is what He told me – pray for them to receive Wisdom because really, no other prayers could be answered until this happens. Every nation has a soul that we can intercede for.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...