Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You're a Miracle

O you’re a Miracle of great worth!
You have been ever since your birth –
A Miracle of great worth!

For a Miracle is something that only God can do
and a Miracle is what He performed when He created you!
For you He did pre-destinate
For you He did foreknew
For you He took such loving care
When He formed you in the womb

You are a Miracle – designed by God in intimate detail
And I know the plans that He has for you will never, ever fail
You are not just here by chance
Your life is not just happenstance

God wouldn’t waste His time and the effort that He gave
In seeing you so beautifully and so wonderfully made
Only to lose you now to death, hell and the grave

No, He hasn’t abandoned nor forsaken you
No His plans for you are great!
For in the end they will have taken you
All the way home to the pearly gate
To a mansion made for you in the New Jerusalem
For you are A Miracle of great worth
You have been ever since your birth –

PS: Happy Birthday TJ! Heb:13:5

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...