Friday, July 30, 2010

“Look, the last thing the world needs is another morality play where everyone learns how to be good apart from Jesus, where man, relying only on himself, his own sense of right and wrong, neatly wraps up each story with “good” overcoming “evil”. Bah! No man is good. Neither can he ever be, apart from Jesus our Lord. The biggest affront to God and the quickest path to hell is not by being a blatant sinner, a murderer or rapist, etc. No, far worse to parade around as demi-gods, thinking we can decide and judge for ourselves what is “good” or what is “evil”, presenting ourselves as the only gods this world will ever need. Only Jesus and what is of Him is good and only He knows what is truly good or evil. Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil any longer. Eat rather from the tree of Life – Jesus Himself, for unless we eat His flesh and drink His blood, we have no part of Him. We are what we eat!”

Gen:2:17 3:6

“The devil has a PHD – Permanent Head Damage”

What a terrible thing to do –
to introduce this world to you
This world so full of hate and pain
Because our God they so disdain
But if you could see beyond the Veil
You’d hear quite a different tale
All your life and days on earth
Find their purpose and their worth
In pleasing God – His Will to serve
The only True way to live
Is to God your soul to give
This life will be absolutely nothing worthwhile
Lived in vain, empty trials
If you don’t submit, endure the test
Pick up your cross, daily confess
Your will laid down, your heart laid bare
The Hope of Christ found within you there
The Holy Spirit is like the air we breathe
We’re surrounded by Him – He never leaves
He is in us and we are in Him
Like the air on which we so depend
Without which our lives would end
Through Holy Spirit He daily sends
His seal, His promise, the earnest of our inheritance
Child – you can survive the worldly trials
Cleave close to Jesus, always child
Breathe the Holy Spirit now
And He’ll fill you and you He will endow
With the power to please Him and He’ll prepare you to spend
Eternity as His Bride, Amen.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...