Wednesday, August 18, 2010

When it’s cold and wet and rainy outside
I like to be where I’m warm and dry
I like to Wonder, sometimes why
And when I’m lost in Life’s mystery
When the ache runs so deeply
Knowing You leaves me empty
Of all that was for all that shall be

A longing, a whisper, a presence in the pit
Saying “this is the Way, walk ye in it”
Lower still, lowered Will, more empty, more filled
As I die, as the sword of Your Word cuts me like a knife
I find You pulsing in me - Resurrection Life
Eternal Life is more abundant than this life I cling to
I’ve given in, I’ve given up
any wicked way that keeps me from You

A love of Life, a life of Love
You’re sweeter than I could ever ask or think
Please take me to the very edge, to the brink
And slay me on the altar of Your Will
Let all that denies You now be killed


“If you resent (Godly) Authority, you’ll never be in Authority”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...