Thursday, October 7, 2010

The old man lay still, remembering, full of days, full of years
Some memories distant and hazy, others crystal clear
Fragments of Glory, embedded deeply, like a mole
Gave rise to an ache deep in his soul
But Joy comes in the mourning
Where so often that well of tears had been dry,
The dam of his heart broke, tears flooded his eyes
He knew this would be
The last time he’d see
His loved one’s gazes
He knew he’d never in this life again caress their loving faces
His wife, daughters and son gathered close
Somehow, they’d all come to know,
As they held the old man’s gentle hands
It was time for him to go
From the love in their eyes
From their heart’s sighs
The old man knew that he’d be missed
But even as he breathed his last
As his wife gave him his final kiss
He was looking on the face of God
And the face of God he kissed…
“enter now, My son,
into Eternal bliss…”

2 Cor:5:6-11

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...